Part 14

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"Wake up babe." Robert says.
I groan and yawn and then he hugs and kisses me.
"Today is the day, we have to prepare."
"Oh shit you're right."
I get up from the bed and wear my clothes. I use the bathroom and take my laptop in my hands. By the time I was ready Robert was ready too. We left the motel and drove to Luke's house to talk about the mission and make sure everything's perfect before we attack.

We stayed there for the next few hours and when it was getting dark we left the house to get ready. We all got in the van and Brad drove us close to the facility but not very close so we're safe. We connected the computers with their cameras and systems and watched them. There was nothing different going on. Ian, Brad, Frank and Robert put on their microphones and wires and picked up their guns. When it was late enough and it was time for them to go Ian and Brad wore their masks.
"Everything's gonna be fine don't worry, okay?" Robert says to me.
I nod and smile. He leans in and kisses me passionately.
"Lovebirds break it before it's too late. We have to go." Ian interrupts us and we smile.
He winks at me and they leave.

I was now in the van with Luke and we were sitting in front of our laptops. The guys informed us when they got close and we watched them through the security cameras. They easily knocked out the guards who were outside the facility and waited for us to block the cameras from the inside.
"Done." we say and they carefully go in.
They were hiding behing the hallway's walls ready to attack.
"There are 3 coming on your left and 3 on your right. They're armed and suspicious."
I see them all nod and run towards the agents. They fight and successfully move forward to the offices where they find more agents. They start shooting and fighting each other. We could hear what they said through the microphones and we could help them and give them instructions.
"Luke we should close that door so no one goes to them. They won't go there, there are no offices and no computers."
"You're right, this is the place where they train."
We both typed on the computer and closed all the doors and gates we didn't wanna use. We managed to keep a lot of agents away from the guys and they were now in the offices. Robert and Brad were searching the computer files and copying everything and Ian was guarding them and fighting with whoever attacked them. We could see more agents going to them and they hadn't searched all the computers yet.
"Guys hurry up. More agents are coming to you."
"I'm almost done."
"Me too. Just a few more minutes."
They copied and destroyed everything and started running towards the exit but the agents found them and they started fighing again. The agents were around 20 and they were only 3. After a lot of shooting and fighting they managed to knock out most of the agents and run away from the facility. They all came back to the van and as soon as they got in we drove fast even though no one was following.

The guys were breathing fast and trying to calm down.
"We did it!" they say and we all high 5 and hug each other.
"Is anyone hurt?"
"We all have a few scratches but that's all."
I sit on Robert's lap and hug him tightly. He looks me in the eyes and kisses me.
"I told you everything was going to be fine."

We loaded all the files on our laptops and searched through them. There was no sign of Robert's or Brad's actions but there were other interesting and dangerous files. We had some of his plans and information about the facilities.
"Damn he has enough evidence to put behind bars almost half of the police officers."
"I bet he's blackmailing them to stay out of his business."
"There's evidence even for politicians and judges."
"Guys we didn't find what we were looking for. No evidence to put him in jail and not Robert's nor Brad's files."
"At least we know more about his facilities now."
"The next attack is going to be tougher. They will be waiting for us. They will be more armed and more secured."
"This was way too easy. He wasn't hiding a lot in this place."
"We will use what we stole for help. In these files there are his plans, his next moves, everything we need to know to be prepared for the next hit."
"We should study them carefully. We know some of his secrets now if we keep searching we'll find out more."
"Wait I found something but I'm not sure what it is."
"What is it?"
"All I understand is some lists, names, numbers and a design."
We open the design and it's a map of the town with some targets.
"He plans to attack random houses?"
"No idiot. These places are where he meets or hires new people."
"Robert our names are on this list too."
"I guess that's the list of the wanted people."
"His facilities are gettin bigger and better. We'll never get away from him."
"We can do this. We know his next moves, we'll try to collect evidence and all we need is to destroy our files. Then we can live happily and free."
"You make it sound easy. We still have 2 attacks."
"You don't know they're 2. Maybe we'll find our files on the next attack."
"You're right. We'll continue tomorrow though, we should rest today."
We drove back to our places and spent the rest of the day relaxing.

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