Part 10

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We're back at our motel and Robert is just as confused as I am.
"I can't believe this."
"So now we know why your brother is alive."
"Robert they're using him. He doesn't know anything about what they really do."
"Well he's going to suspect them when your parents will never come back."
"He said he's working for them for months. Maybe they will train him like they trained you. Maybe they will make him kill people."
"Not everyone was there to become a murderer. Some of us had to do it."
"I'm sorry for bringing that back."
"It's fine."
"We must find Harvey Dark and kill him."
"Aria you're not a murderer. Don't talk like one."
"He killed my parents! They were innocent, all they did was love their kids."
A few tears form in my eyes and Robert hugs me. We're sittting on the bed.
"I know how you feel baby but you don't have to go to the dark side."
"I just want revenge, that's all."
"I know you do. I've been in your place before."
"What do you mean?"
"Dark killed my parents too."
"What? Why?"
"It was when I was working for him. He told me to kill someone and I hesitated and didn't do it. He wanted to make sure this will never happen again so he killed my parents and told me that if I disobey him again I will be the next one."
"Robert I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine what you've been through."
"I'm telling you, don't let that anger turn you into a bad person because you're not."
"Neither are you Robert. You have done bad things but you were forced to do them."
"This is not a good excuse for killing people."
"It doesn't matter to me. I know who you really are. You are a victim too."
"Thank you for seeing the good in me."
I kiss him on the lips and hug him.

"We have to prepare for our next move."
"What's our next move Robert?"
"I'll meet one of my friends and with his help we may be able to track Dark."
"How are you going to track him? I bet it's almost impossible."
"We're following and tracking one of his best men. He is the one that Dark trusts the most."
"You are going to fight him alone? This is like a suicide wish."
"I never said I would fight him. I want to find evidence to put Dark in jail."
"This must be difficult."
"It is. He never leaves witnesses and always cleans up the crime scenes but he keeps record on his facilities."
"So you want to go into Dark's facilities. Are you crazy?"
"I know what I'm doing. My friend will help me and we'll have more people with us."
"I wanna help too."
"No way. It's not safe."
"I will help you from outside the facilities. I will hack the cameras and help you avoid them."
"That's actually a good idea but you'll be far away from the place."
"Thank you." I say sitting on his lap and kissing him.
"But I'm not doing this unless you have more experience. You must learn a lot of things. You have to learn how to drive, how to hack and fight perfectly and how to remain calm if something goes wrong."
"I already know how to drive. If something goes wrong obviously I will panic because you are going to be left there alone."
"We'll talk about this another time. I have to contact my friend and ask him when we'll meet."
"I wanna come too when you meet."
"I don't know if you get this but it's dangerous to walk in the streets. You're safer here."
"And what will you do? Leave me here alone worrying if you're safe or not?"
"Oh c'mon Robert, I'm part of this too. We're partners in crime now."
"Don't you understand that I'm trying to keep you safe?"
"Yes I understand that and I thank you for that but I feel safer when I'm with you."
"If anything happens to you I won't forgive myself."
"Nothing will happen to me because I have you to protect me. Now call your friend."

He looks at me like he's thinking about something and then he sighs. I lean in and we kiss. He then stands up and puts me on the bed. He takes his phone and calls his friend. They talked for about 10 minutes and then he came back to me.
"It's done, we'll meet him in 2 days at his house."
"I'm so excited right now. I almost don't feel like I need to cry."
"I don't wanna see you cry again. I will try to fix this I promise."
"I have to become tougher. You need a tough partner."
"I will go back to my house to take the car."
"You're not going back there. They may be waiting for you to kill you."
"Calm down, they won't be there. Police is probably still there. I've parked the car close to the house, no one will attack me in front of the police."
"If you're not back in 40 minutes I'll come too. And this time I mean it. I won't wait for you for 2 hours."
"You're a tough one. I'll be back in 30 minutes don't worry."
"Don't you dare to be late."
"Okay babe take a long shower and I'll be here when you finish."
"Be careful."

He left and I went to the bathroom to take that shower. I stayed there for as long as I could and I got out to get dressed. Soon he came back safe and we spent the rest of the day in the room.

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