Part 8

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I sat on the ground for more than 2 hours. He is a fighter, he won't die today. I'm sure he'll come here to find me. I could hear the police sirens and I saw a lot of police cars driving around the place. I guess they went to Robert's house for the shootings. I rested my head back to the wall trying to control my tears. I really needed a cigarette right now but I don't have any. After a while I saw a shadow moving in the alley. I immediately stood up and looked over to the person walking. I couldn't see clearly but I hoped it was Robert. I start running towards him and the closer I get the more clear it is. It was not Robert, it was a young boy around my age. Disappointment took over me and I started crying again.
"Are you okay?" the boy asks me.
"Do I look okay to you?"
"I'm sorry, stupid question."
"It's fine."
"Do you need any help? Are you drunk or high?"
"I wish I was."
"What happened to you?"
"Well that's a really long story."
"Can I help you somehow?"
"Do you have a cigarette?"
"Actually I do."
He takes a cigarette out of his pocket and gives it to me. He lights it up with fire and I start smoking.
"Boyfriend drama?"
"More complicated than you can imagine."
He lights up a cigarette too and we both sit on the ground.
"What's the laptop for?"
"It's a part of the complicated story."
"Oh I see, no talking about what happened."
"You got it right. What about you? Why are you walking here alone at this time?"
"I was going home. Do you wanna come?"
"Get off her dude she has a boyfriend." we hear a voice.

I immediately recognize it and stand on my feet. I see Robert standing a few meters away from us and I run to him. He hugs me tightly and I wrap my feet around his waist. Tears fall from my eyes but this time happy tears.
"Oh my God." I say crying.
"Did you really think I wouldn't come back to you?"
"I believed in you."
I stand on my feet and he hugs me again.
"I'm Jack it was nice meeting you." he says giving me his hand.
"I'm Aria." I say shaking his hand.
"And I'm Robert if you're interested."
"You're the only thing that stopped her from crying man."
We smile at each other and I rest my head on his shoulder.
"Well I'm leaving you two alone." Jack says and leaves.

I look back at Robert and sigh.
"Thank God you didn't listen to me about that one hour wait."
"I was sure you could make it."
He leans in and we share a long soft kiss.
"I have a boyfriend huh?" I say smiling.
"Yes you do."
"So you're Robert Downey. You never told me your last name."
"Actually I'm Robert Downey Jr."
"Jr? That's cute."
"You could say that."
"Are you hurt?"
"Not more than the shooters."
"What happened?"
"When you left we started stooting each other and there were 5 of them. I took out 3 of them and the others chased me because police came and I ran. I was running and hiding from them, I shot the one and then I ran out of bullets so I had to fight the other with my arms and feet. This is why I took so long."
"Let me look at your body. You must have wounds."
"You can look at my body whenever you want."
I pull up his t-shirt and I see some scratches and bruises on his chest and abs.
"Oh my God this must need stitches." I say pointing at a deep cut he has.
"It hurts a bit but we can't go to a hospital. He'll find us."
"We'll figure something out. Can we please go to my house? I need to see if my family's okay."
"Sure but we must be careful. If they find us I won't be able to protect you like before."
"I really hope they're fine. I don't want them to get hurt because of me."
"You can't blame yourself. I'm the one that you must blame. I brought this chaos to your life."
"Robert you warned me but I didn't listen."
"Let's go to your house."
He takes my hand and we walk to my house. Before we went close to it we checked if anyone was around. We still have his laptop with us.

We walk to the front door and it's open. This can't be good. I squeeze Robert's hand and my body is shaking. Robert gets in first and puts the laptop on the floor. I go in the house too and slowly walk with him holding his hand. I notice a blood patch on the floor and more and more blood in the kitchen. Robert sees it too and comes in front of me.
"Listen to me Aria, you should get out of the house."
I start crying and shaking more.
"Are they dead?"
"Aria baby."
I push him and take a step foward. I then see my parents both shot laying on the ground and blood all around them. I scream and turn my head around and Robert hugs me tightly.
"Baby let's get out. Being here makes everything worse." he says caressing my back.
"I need to learn about my brother if he's alive or dead."
"Okay but let's leave the kitchen."
We walk around the rest of the house but there's no sign of Matt. We packed some of my stuff for me and some of Matt's stuff for Robert in a suitcase and left the house. We also put his laptop in the suitcase too.

"Where are we going Robert?" I ask crying.
"We'll stay in a motel until we figure out what to do."
He takes my hand and my suitcase and after a while we go to a motel. I ran out of tears so I was just sad and broken. We enter the room and there's only one bed, a bathroom and for a living room there's only a table, a refrigerator and a couch.
"I will sleep on the couch." Robert says soflty brushing my hair with his fingers.
"No I want you with me." I say and hug him.
"I'll take a shower, you should sleep."
"I want to trace Matt's phone and find him."
"Aria you are too broken now, you can't do this."
"But he's in danger."
"I promise you we'll trace him tomorrow."
"I don't know if I can sleep."
"Lay on the bed and I'll be there in a few minutes, okay?"
I nod my head and he kisses me on the forehead.
I wore my pyjamas and laid under the bed sheets. Soon Robert came too and hugged me from behind. We stood there talking for I don't know how much time and in the end I fell asleep.

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