Part 26

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"You wanted to see me?" Dark asks entering my room.
"Yes, I want a favor."
"And what made you think that I would care if you want something?"
"Because you want us to make a deal. If I live like this mess I can't do anything."
"Anyway, what do you want?"
"I want to practice my hacking skills. You have me here prisoner and I haven't touched a computer in more than a week."
"Do you expect me to give you a computer so you can use it whenever and however you want? Are you nuts?"
"No I don't want you to give me a computer all by myself. Let me go to one of your offices and use one of these computers. I won't hack your systems from there, you'll understand me."
"I have to think about it."
"Oh c'mon. I will forget what I know if you keep me in this room for more time."
"Fine. But if you try to sabotage my facilities or break my systems you'll regret it."
"Yes sir. Can I start now?"
"What exactly do you want to hack?"
"I don't know. How do you train your hackers? Give me something to do."
"Okay follow me."
My plan is working fine so far. Part 1; log in a computer. Part 2; communicate with the team. Part 3; help with the plan.

I followed him to the offices where other people were sitting and typing on the computers. Dark told someone to stand up so I can sit on his chair.
"There are a lot of steps for this training but you're not an amateur so we will skip the first ones."
"No I want to do them all. I want to experience the whole training." I say but that's a lie. I just want more time.
"Okay then. Josh will show you what you have to do."
A man came and showed me a list with the things I had to do. Most of them are very easy, I can do them in 1-5 minutes and the last steps are more difficult. I will take as much time as I can so I can communicate with the team. If they're watching the place through the cameras they can see me now.

Josh left and I'm sitting in front of the computer ready to begin. He also told me that if I try to hack files and their systems he will know. I start doing the first steps and when no one suspects me I start doing what I really want to do. The computer is not connected with internet but I found the password and I logged in. I wrote encrypted messages and sent them to Luke's computer. Now I'm just hoping they will reply.

-Robert's POV-
"Robert go to my bedroom to rest for a while, you need it. We'll continue watching and planning."
"It's been over a week since he got her and I haven't done anything. I have to work and concentrate so we can have a plan soon. And by soon I mean today."
"It's not possible to finish the plan today. We haven't even thought about how we're breaking in."
"I will go through the main door, I don't care."
"Don't be crazy we'll figure something out. We won't send you to kill yourself."
"I was supposed to save her, to keep her safe but look what I accomplished. She's kidnapped by him and he could kill her in any moment."
"Everything will be over soon. We will get her out of there. We all work hard enough but you overwork."
"I promise when we get her back I'll be calmer."
"Look, there she is. Seems like she's between the other trainees"
"She looks so exhausted" I say and place my hand over her on the screen.
"Dude move away from the computer someone sent something."
"Let me see and I'll tell you."
I move from my seat and Luke sits in front of the computer. I see him typing something but I don't understand much.
"I finally have good news man." he says.
"Is it Aria?"
"Yes it's her. She managed to log in a computer and sent me encrypted messages."
"What does she say?"
"That they keep her in a room without a camera and that Dark offered her a deal."
"Ask her about more information."
"Okay I sent it."

I watched her through the camera and I felt proud and worried about her. She managed to communicate with us but if she gets caught it's not going to end well.
"Look at her, at least she's not hurt." I say reliefed.
"Let's hope she's going to stay that way. She's tough Robert, you trained her well."
"C'mon why isn't she replying?"
"Someone's probably watching her. This is why she sends encrypted messages."
"Oh that must be him. He's standing close to all of them."
"She's smart, she won't get caught."
"C'mon baby you can do it."
"She says Dark told her that if she works for him we can stay alive."
"What? Tell her not to even think about it. We will get her soon I promise. Tell her to hold on a bit more."
"Her room is next to the interrogation room."
"Okay that's good we can find her."
"If she works for him she can get more information."
"It's still a no. He will make her murder people, she won't handle it. Don't tell her I said that."
"She says that he wants to kill you in front of her."
"I fucking hate him. He is terrifying her. Tell her I won't get hurt and that I'll come for her."
"She asks us to be careful and fast, she can't handle him anymore."
"Okay we can do that. She will be safe in a few days."
"She has to leave now. She will try to communicate again."
"We have to finish the plan as soon as possible."
"Yeah we will, don't worry. Now we have more information."
"We know where he keeps her. I will light this whole place on fire if I have to."
"She's making our lives easier you know. She's collecting information."
"As long as she's alive it's fine to me."
"Please sleep for a few hours man. We know she's okay now."
"I'm exhausted but now we have to work on the plan. She said she can't handle him anymore."
"We'll continue the plan tomorrow, sleep so you can have a clear mind."
"Fine! But only for a couple of hours. Goodnight."

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