Part 18

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Me and Robert are in our motel getting ready to find the rest of the team. I'm in the bathroom and he's getting dressed. I look at the mirror and see some hickeys around my neck and shoulder. I sigh and roll my eyes. I get out of the bathroom and take my make up from my stuff.
"Why are you putting make up? We're going to the guys."
"I'm putting make up on my neck you idiot. Look at what you did last night." I say pointing at my neck.
"You won't cover them with make up, you have to deal with them."
I don't listen to him and start covering my neck and shoulder with make up but I see it's not working completely.
"I hate you." I shout from the bathroom and I hear him laugh.
"It's nothing to be ashamed of."
"Robert they're still visible, I don't want them."
"Babe it's nothing, don't worry."
I get out of the bathroom and wear my shoes. He comes to me and kisses me.
"I still hate you."
"No you don't."

We went to Ian's house and for the first time we were not late. We sat on the couch and waited for Brad and Jason. The rest of us were here. After a few minutes they both came and we started working. Me and Luke hacked their security cameras and watched them and at the same time we were helping the others with the plan.
"We'll need better guns."
"I don't think so. Our guns are fine."
"Look at their guns. They're twice as good as our guns."
"He's right. We have to buy new ones. But not very big and heavy because we won't be able to carry them."
"Okay then we'll buy new guns."

Brad came to me and Luke and looked at the laptops.
"What are they doing? Anything unusual?"
"It's obvious that they have doubled their security but Dark hasn't visited this place the last days."
"Maybe he's working on the facility we attacked."
"Or he's on a business trip if you know what I mean."
"What do you mean?"
"We killed enough of his men he needs new ones. He's probably hiring and training them now."
"We have to act fast before he trains more."
"Yes but it's not easy. We have to train more and watch closely the truck we're going to attack. We need at least a week."
"Then we shouldn't be wasting our time. Let's start training."

Me, Robert, Emma and Jason went to the training room. It's not something special but we call it training room because it has enough space to move, a few human figures to practice moves and some tools like wooden sticks and boxing gloves. We get in and make pairs. I start training with Robert and Emma with Jason. We were hiting, kicking and blocking each other but no one was getting hurt. We then started attacking the figures. We were all punching and kicking them as fast as we could. It was time to switch partners for training. I am with Jason. He looks at me jumping lightly up and down. I saw that before with Emma he had some great punching skills.
"I'm not the best fighter so don't hit me too hard." I say laughing.
"I'll let you attack first." he replies smiling.
I hit him on the arm but I have to admit that his arm was so strong that I actually felt pain. I continued hiting him but he blocked me and attacked me but not very hard. He's taller than the rest of the guys which makes it more difficult for me to attack him. After a few minutes he hits me and I fall down on purpose and kick him on the leg so he falls too. We both laugh and stay down trying to breathe properly again. I see Robert and Emma fighting really good. While they were fighting somehow Emma ended on Robert's back and they continued fighting and rolling around but finally they fell down too.
"I think I'm done training for today. I'm better at hacking anyway." I say getting up.
"Don't say that, you're good."
"Yeah babe you have been training only for a couple of months. We've been training for far too long."
"I agree, don't underestimate yourself."
"Thanks guys but I'm getting tired now and I have to keep on hacking. Luke has to train too."

I go back to the living room and sit next to Luke in front of my laptop. I drink the glass of water I have and exhale deeply relaxing on the chair.
"Nice neck Aria." Luke playfully says.
I was covering the marks with my hair but now after the training they uncovered.
"Shut up I feel uncomfortable."
"You shouldn't be. This is what lovebirds do. Leave marks."
"There won't be any marks again. At least not soon."
"You can't control that, you'll ruin the sex."
"I'd rather not talk with you about it."
"Okay I'll leave you here with the laptops, I have to train."
After a couple of hours we were all done training and planning for today so we left.

We went back to our motel and we both took a long hot shower. We relaxed on the bed and turned on the TV.
"Robert I think I should not train with you."
"I saw you fighting with Emma and this is how you should train, with another professional. I'm a hacker after all."
"You can't compare yourself with Emma. She's been training for a lot of time. She can't hack as good as you and you can't fight as good as her yet."
"I will train alone with the tools and figures until I get better and then I'll continue with you."
"That's bullshit. If you think you don't fight good enough you should try training with Luke. He's the one that needs more training." he says laughing.
"He can't be that bad."
"He's not that bad he's not as good as we are. And that's normal because he's a hacker."
"Okay I get it. I'm not bad."
"You managed to throw Jason on the ground. I didn't manage to do that."
"That's because I asked him not to punch me hard."
"I'm proud of you and what you've learned."
"Thank you."

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