Part 12

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We were on our way to Frank's house, he's one of the guys who will join the attack. We've been meeting the rest of the team and planning the attack for 3 weeks. Luke has been watching them nonstop and knows everyone's program inside the facilities. Ian and Robert have the building's design and they have found the best way in and out. Brad bought a mini van and placed the necessary tools and gadgets inside so me and Luke can communicate with the rest of the team during the attack. I have been practicing on hacking and training a lot, I think I'm ready now. I have more stamina, more strength, better moves, I know more hacking tricks and generally I know everything that's needed for the attack.

We're on Frank's house, some sitting on the couch and some sitting on the floor.
"How often does Dark visit the place?"
"3 times a week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday for more or less 3 hours."
"We won't attack one of these days, we don't want him around us."
"He probably will send back-up as soon as he knows we attacked him."
"That's true which means we have to act fast."
"We have a few standard steps. Luke and Aria will look through the cameras and guide us, they will help us open the gates and doors that need a code and we will fight the guards and agents. Our goal is to steal the information he has on his computer, find out his next plans and delete our files so he has no evidence against us."
"Can we kill those sons of biches?"
"Hell yeah, this is an attack not a trip."

I was sitting there listening to them and didn't say a word. Obviously I couldn't help planning the attack and my questions were answered by their conversation.
"When will we attack?" this is the only question I asked and then they continued their conversation.
"Pretty girl we need one more week to be sure. After that we'll be completely ready."
"Can you two be the only ones that see through the cameras? I mean if it's possible that you can see us but the agents inside the facility not."
"Yes we can do that."
"Alright this helps us a lot."
"Will we wear masks?"
"Me, Aria and Brad are already wanted by Dark so we don't need a mask. If the rest of you want to wear one no one is going to bother you."
"I'm not wearing a mask, I'll be in the van."
"I think we should wear masks in case something goes wrong. We will be able to protect them better."

Ian and Frank agreed to wear a mask in the end. I think it's a good idea, we don't want them to be wanted too after all.
"What happens if someone gets captured?"
"Like always...we continue the mission and then go back for him."
"We get the information we need and then leave. Each of us will leave when he completes his post. We will all go to different offices to find information so we will split in the end. When you finish run to the van."
"Remember to have a lot of bullets and at least two guns with you."

After we finished talking about the mission and what each of us has to do we left the house. I was in the car with Robert and he was driving but wasn't heading to the motel.
"Robert where are we going?"
"There's one more thing you need to learn."
"And what's that?"
"You'll see."
After driving for a while he stopped outside an old building.
"Follow me." he said.
He went in and stepped in a room where a few more people were. They are all shooting their targets.
"You will learn how to shoot."
I nod my head and we wear something to cover our ears. We went to the end of the room away from everyone esle to be more quiet.
"Take this." he says giving me a gun.
I take it and it's not very heavy.
Robert presses some buttons and a target appears not far from us.
"Aim at the target and I'll help you shoot the first times."
I do as he says and hold the gun with both of my hands targeting the center of the target. Robert comes behind me and puts his hands on top of mine. He holds it tighter.
"Pull the trigger." he says.
I slowly put more and more pressure and pull the trigger. My whole body moves backwards but Robert keeps me steady. We repeat the same progress until I could at least stay still after shooting. Then Robert moves away from me leaving me alone.
"You can do it without me."
"I'm not sure about that."
"Try and you'll see."
I aim the gun again at the target and shoot. It was not a good shot but Robert seemed satisfied.
"It's your first time shooting alone, it can't be great. Try again." he comforts me.
We stayed there for a lot of time and finally I could shoot in the target. I couldn't hit the center but my shots were close to it.
"Robert my hands hurt, I can't shoot more."
"It's okay we'll continue tomorrow."

He took the gun from my hands and put it back in his pocket. We left the building and went back to the motel.
"Why didn't you teach me how to shoot when you started training me?"
"Because if you don't know how to fight you can't attack someone. If he takes the gun from you what will you do? You had to learn how to fight first and then how to shoot."
"You're right, I didn't think about that."
"I still think it's not safe for you to join the mission."
"Robert you can't cut me off now. I know the plan and I'm part of it. I can help. I have all the skills."
"I'm scared for you that's all. I don't underestimate you. I won't be there to protect you."
"I won't be alone, I'll have Luke with me. I wanna do this baby you're not forcing me."
"My thoughts are killing me."
"We'll both shower and then fall asleep. You just have a lot on your mind. I should be the one worrying more."
"Okay I'll relax, that's all."
I kiss him and then we both took a shower and slept.

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