Part 7

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I was on my way to Robert's house. It's my habit these last weeks. I wake up, eat, text with Robert and then go to his house. When I arrive I knock on the door and he opens it.
"Oh, hey Aria."
"You sound surprised, did you expect someone else?"
"No, it's just weird that you knocked the door."
"Sorry I didn't think much about it."
We sit on the couch and talk about random stuff.
"Are you hungry?" he asks.
"I could use some food."
"I want to eat pizza, do you?"
"Yeah it's fine."
He orders pizza and after 30 minutes they bring it. Robert payed for it as usual and we sat on the kitchen table ready to eat. He put the pizza on the table and I filled two glasses with water. We ate it and sat still on the chairs talking.
"Let me bring the laptop." he says and stands up.
He replaced his computer with a new laptop because it's easier to take it with you.
He placed it on the table and showed me new programs and stuff that he found.

Suddenly we hear the windows braking and a lot of loud noises.
"Aria!" he shouts and jumps on me throwing me to the ground.
Someone was shooting at us or at least at the house. Robert was covering me with his body on top of mine. He reached the laptop with his hand and pulled it next to us. I was panicking, my heart beating fast. Robert looked me in the eyes, his face almost touching mine and I felt safer. The shooting stopped suddenly.
"We know you're in there Downey. I could kill you now but I'll offer you the chance to surrender and come back with me." a man says from outside.
"Shit." Robert says.
"Who's that?" I ask.
"That's Harvey Dark."
"Oh my Gosh." I say panicking all over again.
"Don't worry I'll get us out of here."
"From my bedrooom's window. When I say so run to my bedroom okay?"
I nod and tears form in my eyes.
"We know your girlfriend is in there too. What's her name again? Aria?"
I start breathing faster and faster, my heart ready to leave my chest. Robert closed his eyes and tightened his fists.
"I'm so sorry, I'll fix this I promise" he whispers in my ear.
He gives me the laptop and takes a gun out of the kitchen drawer. He looks me in the eyes.
"I will count to 3 then you'll run, okay?"
"No wait. What will you do?"
"I'll follow you. Promise me you won't turn back. When you get out of the window start running."
"I don't wanna leave you." I say crying.
We hear another gunshot.
"I'll follow you Aria, I need to take care of them first. I can't let them hurt you."
"You have 2 minutes Downey." the man says again and Robert looks at me with more anger in his eyes.
"Aria listen to me carefully. Run and wait for me at the alley that I found you that night. If I'm not there an hour later leave."
"Robert don't get hurt please. Come with me. We will both run together."
"I'll come back to find you."
I don't know what drove me to do this but this moment I pressed my lips against his and kissed him. We broke the kiss and he looked at me smiling.
"I'll come to you. Now run and don't look back."

He stands up from my body to the height of the kitchen counter and nods at me. I get up and run to the bedroom. I hear gunshots and screams behind me but I don't turn around. I still have his laptop in my arms. I open the window and jump out of the house. I start running as fast as I can. It was late so it was dark. After 20 minutes of running I am at the alley and sit down on the floor. I don't even know for how long I've been crying, maybe I never stopped since the shooting started. I look at the time and it's 10:15 pm. My thoughts are driving me crazy. Should I go back to look for him? Maybe he's hurt, maybe they'll get him and I'll never see him again. If I go there and he's dead will I handle the pain? And my family. What happened to them? Dark knows my name so he probably knows my family too. If I lose them all I don't know what I'll do. I call my parents but none of them answer and my brother has his phone turned off. I feel like I've been cut into countless pieces. Why would I leave Robert behind? I should have helped him in any way I can.

I was sitting there for more than half an hour crying. I had no idea about what I should do. If Robert's okay and I leave to go back to the house maybe he'll see that I'm not here and I'll lose him. He told me to wait for an hour before I leave and that's what I should do. He said he'll come back to me, I trust him, I believe in him, he can survive this. I manage to stop crying and think positive. Even if he doesn't come in the rest half hour I'll wait for him all night. I can't lose him now that I found him.

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