Part 25

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I'm laying on my bed under the sheets naked. What's going on? Suddenly on top of me appears Dark naked too smiling at me.
"I hope you're ready baby." he says and kisses my lips.
He thrusts deep and fast inside me and I can't move or resist. I'm hitting and kicking him with all my strength but it's like he doesn't feel anything. I feel that I'm going to die. I jump from the bed breathing fast and my heart ready to leave my chest. It was another nightmare. Ever since that night with Dark I have nightmares and he doesn't help me get over them. I can't stand him even sitting next to me. I don't want him touching me, watching me or even talk to me but he doesn't get it. I get a glass and fill it with cold water. I drink it all up and sit on the end of bed.

I think about the proposition he was talking about. I want the team to be safe and alive but I can't work for him. If Robert finds out I'm working for Dark he's going to be a lot more than angry. It's been a week since I got here. Maybe they are planning to come for me, maybe they are not. I don't expect them to break in here to save me, it's way too dangerous. I have to communicate with them somehow but there are no cameras in this room or in the cell. They can only see me when the guards move me from the one room to the other. I can't give them any sign, I have to talk with them. I have no cell phone, no computer, not even internet in this room. I'm screwed. I have only one option and if it doesn't work I will probably end up dead. I will pretend to work for Dark but I will try to collect information and communicate with the team without getting caught.

I just stand in the room waiting for the men to call me to do whatever they want me to do. I hear the door opening and see the guards looking at me ready to speak.
"Let me guess. Boss wants to see me?"
"Don't play smartass with us. Come here."
He walks over to me but I move away from him not wanting anyone to touch me, especially Dark and his men.
"I can stand up by myself, I don't want you to touch me."
"Just because boss likes you doesn't mean we like you too."
"I don't care if you like me or not. I will never like you and I'll always hate your boss no matter what."
"I knew Robert, we were partners. We killed some men together. Maybe we'll be partners too and Robert will be proud of you, following his steps killing people."
"I will never take a life, especially an innocent one. Unless it's your boss or you. You piss me off so much."
"You're not in the best situation right now to threaten me. I'm the one holding a gun and willing to shoot you anytime."
"If you shoot me you'll save me from the hell I'm living now and you'll probably end up dead. I'm pretty sure boss wants me alive."
"Not for long. Follow me now."

We both walk down the hall and get in the room where Dark always meets me. There is a table with two seats and two guards away from the table. I sit in the empty seat in front of him. He lights up a cigarette and smokes in front of me. I haven't touched a cigarette in a long time and this is killing me.
"You want one?" he asks but I shake my head no.
"Did you think about my offer? It's a good one."
"I thought about it but I haven't decided yet."
"I can give you a little more time but if I find your team before you say yes I can't promise that I won't kill them."
"No, don't kill them." I say worried.
"You really care about Downey, don't you?"
"Yes. You may hate him but he's a good man."
"You like it or not he's not a good man. He killed other people and he is a drug addict."
"He killed people because you forced him to do it and he's not a drug addict anymore."
"Whatever you say princess. He's not the saint you think he is."
"You're just trying to make me dislike him but it's not going to work."
"I'm just telling you he enjoyed these killings. Think about how many of my men he killed. Some of them were innocent, didn't hurt anyone but he killed them because he wanted to destroy my facilities."
"I was part of these missions too. Your men attacked my team so they hurt and killed whoever they had to."
"You're so overprotective over them. Tell me where they are and I promise not to kill them."
"No. Do you seriously believe I would trust you? You will kill them the moment you'll see them. You're a murderer and a kidnapper."
"I may be a lot of things but I'm a man of my word. If I promise you something I will keep my promise unless you break your part of the deal."
"I'll pretend I believe that. I'm still not giving you anything."
"It seems like I can't convince you but don't worry we have someone who will."
"No one will convince me."
"We'll see about that soon. Now get up and join me in our room."
"It's not our room. If you want it keep it. I'm not living with you."
He stands up and comes over to me wanting to pick me up.
"I didn't say anything about living together. I just have a few needs you can help me with."
"No please don't do this again. I can't handle it again."
"If you don't hold back you'll get used to it."
"You can find anyone you want. You're not so ugly, find a woman just leave me alone."
"Relationships are weakness. Look at you and Downey and how you ended up."
"He's the only thing that gives me hope it's not a weakness."
"Whatever you say."
"Please don't touch me again. Please I will do anything, I can't live this again." I say crying.
"I will leave you for today only because I wanna show you that I'm not as bad as you think. Go to the room a different interrogation is coming for you soon."

I wiped my tears and went back to th room. I don't know what or who he's talking about. I'm glad I avoided him for today, let's hope I can continue avoiding him.

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