Part 23

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The last two days I'm in my cell alone. The only communication I have is with the guards who bring me food and stay outside my cell so I don't leave. Dark didn't interrogate me again and that comforted me and scared me at the same time. It could mean that he found the answers to his questions and didn't need me. But if he had found them he would let me know. He said he was going to kill Robert in front of me but I know this is not going to happen. If the team decides to come get me I'm sure they will have a good plan.

I'm laying on my back on the bed that is in the cell. It's not really comfortable but I guess they don't care. There are no windows at all. There is only a bed and a toilet. A guard appears and opens my cell door. I look at him waiting for him to tell me what they have planned for me now.
"Boss wants you to take a shower."
"What? Why?"
"He wants you to be clean."
"Why does he care? He has locked me up in here."
"He's going to explain everything to you. Now get up."
I get up and he leads me to a completely different room. This is like a hotel room, it has everything you need. I guess this is where Dark lives.
"You'll find everything you need in the bathroom. I'll be waiting for you outside."

I nod and get in the bathroom. I take off my clothes and get in the shower. I took a long hot shower and cleaned myself and then wiped myself with a towel. There are clothes for me in the bathroom just like the guard said. I look at them and they are not normal clothes, they are formal clothes and that confuses me. I wear the clean underwears and cover myself with the towel again. I open the door and see the guard.
"What do you need?"
"You said that Dark would explain me everything. I have some questions can you bring him here?"
"You're not the one giving orders here lady."
"Okay then I'm staying in the bathroom until he comes."
I shut the door and sit on the counter.

After a few minutes I hear someone knocking the door and I open. It's Dark looking at me. I step back not wanting to be very close to him.
"What's the problem?"
"Why did you order me to get clean and why don't I have normal clothes to wear?"
"I thought you were smart enough to understand it. We're having a date night."
"What? No. I don't want to go on a date with you, I hate you."
"We won't leave the building it's not a real date. I just want to know you better. I told you I like you Aria."
"You're sick. I'm not doing this."
"I don't recall asking for your permission. You're mine now and I can do whatever I want with you. Now get dressed and they'll bring you to me."
"I'm not wearing these slutty clothes you pervert." I say throwing the clothes at him.
"Then stay naked. This is how you'll end anyway."
He puts the clothes back on the counter and I feel my heart beating faster than ever. This pervert wants to rape me. I don't know what to do, how to avoid him.

I stayed in the bathroom not getting dressed for a while thinking that if I don't get ready I will avoid this "date". The door opened and the guard got in.
"Get dressed now. We won't wait all night for you."
"I don't want to." I say hitting him.
"Shut up and get dressed before he changes his mind and you end up like the last time."
He pulls the towel from me leaving me only in my underwear and leaves. Forcefully I wear the short skirt and the crop top he has for me, dry my hair and put on the heels he has for me. This is like the 3rd time I wear heels, I'm not used to them. I get out of the bathroom and the guard takes me to a room where Dark is sitting on a table for two. He makes me sit on the chair and the "date" begins.

We were in this room for more or less 2 hours. He asked me a lot of questions about myself and not about the plans or the team. I ate the food and answered him as cold as I could. In the end when we finished our food he stood up and came to my seat to pick me up too but I didn't want him to touch me. I got up and started walking faster than him so I could go back to my cell without him. He nodded at a guard and he grabbed me and put me in the previous room where I got ready. I tried to fight him but it was useless. After a few seconds Dark came too and we were alone.
"Aria you look so beautiful tonight." he says and caresses my arms.
I push his arms away and step back.
"Do you still hate me? I showed you I'm a normal person like everyone else."
"Normal persons don't murder people in cold blood for no reason."
"I had to do it."

He comes close to me and throws me to the bed. I try to get up but he comes on top of me not allowing me to move.
"Let me go please." I say panicking.
"Not until I'm finished with you princess."
He takes off my skirt and shoes and I start crying. He knelt to undress himself and I tried to escape but he didn't let me. He was pushing my feet to the bed so I am not able to move or kick him. He took off his shirt, jacket and pants. He put his hands on the hem of my shirt and took it off too leaving me in my underwears. I tried to push him away but he's very stronger than me so it's pointless.
"Don't resist it Aria, you can't stop me."
He put his hands behind my back and unclapsed my bra throwing it away. I was crying and yelling trying to escape. He pressed his lips against mine and took off my panties. I couldn't feel worse right now. He kissed my neck and knelt to take off his boxers. I cried even more when I noticed his erection. He came back on top of me to kiss me but I bit him.
"Don't touch me." I said hitting him with my hands.
He pushed my hands against the bed and positioned himself in front of my entrance.
"Don't resist Aria. Enjoy it."
He enters me and starts thrusting fast. The only thing I feel is pain and disgust. I cry and scream but he continues. After a few minutes he moans loudly and cums outside of me. At least he didn't try to get me pregnant. He leaves me crying and shaking on the bed and he stands up.
"Downey is a lucky man. Or should I say was? You're mine now."
I cry even more now that I think about him and Dark wants to do to him.
"Goodnight Aria, you can sleep here. I'm leaving."
I don't reply and turn around. I cover myself with the sheets and continue crying. I can't believe I just got raped by the man that killed my parents. Eventually I cried myself to sleep.

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