Part 43

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I feel no pain, just adrenaline in high levels and fear. Robert screams in pain and falls on the ground next to me. He shot him. Tears immediately form in my eyes and I fall to the ground too next to him. He's sweating, trying to breathe properly.

"Robert, talk to me baby" I say crying

He moves his hand to the place he's bleeding and tries to stop the blood. He's losing a lot of it and I don't know how to help him. I take my phone out of my purse with my shaking hand and I call 911 as fast as I can. As I'm talking to them I see the man that shot Robert coming closer.

"An ambulance will be here soon, hold on please" I say again still crying. He takes my hand in his and squeezes it so I look at him.

"" he manages to say and that makes me cry even more.

"I love you, too. So much. Don't leave me"

The man is now a few metres away from us and I can see his face. I don't recognize him and from Robert's expression I can tell he is also not recognizing him.

"This was from Dark" he says with a deep stedy voice.

"You bastard!" I shout and throw whatever I can find on the ground at him.

"Don't make me hurt you, Aria. Dark doesn't want me to" he says and with that he leaves quickly.

I move Robert's head from the floor to my knees. I hug his bleeding body covering myself with his blood. I can't feel any worse right now.

"Aria" he gasps and I look at him.

"Yes, baby" I say and wipe my tears from my eyes.

"" he asks between breaths and gives me a smile that kills me inside. This could be his last smile.

"Yes, of course I will" I reply and hug him again.

"I love you" I whisper in his ear and see the ambulance stoping in front of us. People come out of it and run to us. The remove Robert from my arms and place him on the bed and put him inside the ambulance. They tell me to step in and sit next to him.

The doctors tried to keep him breathing and I was there crying out loud. After they gave him a breathing mask and stopped the bleeding I took his hand in mine and squeezed it. He was passed out but at least he was still breathing. His whole chest was covered in blood.

"Robert, wake up baby"

"Miss, please stay away from the patient" one doctor said and I moved a bit away still having his hand in mine.

Some minutes later we arrived at the hospital and left the ambulance. I followed the doctors who had Robert with them until we reached the surgery room. They quickly dragged him in and one of them stopped blocking me from getting in.

"You're not allowed in there miss"

"But, I can't- I can't leave him" I say still crying.

"I know miss. A doctor will check you. Just stay here and let us do our best"

"Okay" I nod understanding that I can't do anything now.

A doctor ran a lot of tests in me even though I insisted I was fine. I just wanted to be there when the surgery ended. After he finally finished I went back to sit outside the surgery room. No one was getting in or out. I could hear them speaking and giving orders to one another but not clearly. A couple of police officers came to ask me questions about the accident and I told them what I could.

After standing outside for a lot of time I heard someone calling my name. I turned my head and saw Ian. I immediately started crying even more and he sat next to me and hugged me tightly. He moved his hand up and down my back trying to calm me down.

"Everything will be okay, don't worry" he whispers.

"He's in there for far too long, Ian. They aren't telling me anything"

"That's because they're still operating him. That means he's still alive"

"I don't know what to think of. I can't lose him, Ian"

"We won't lose him. He's tough, he's been shot before"

"Yes, but not like this. He passed out, lost a lot of blood. He could barely speak to me"

"Stop thinking like that. In a bit the guys are coming too"

"I'm sorry for not calling you. Who informed you?"

"Police called all of us and told us. They said you were with him and that you're at the hospital"

At the end of the hallway Luke and Frank are coming to us.

"What happened? Where is he? Is he okay?" Luke asks panicked.

"One of Dark's men shot him. He's still in surgery" I say trying not to cry again but I can't hold the tears.

"Oh my God" he replies and cries too.

Soon we are all here and waiting. It's been hours since we came. I can't believe that an amazing day like this ended so wrong. I eventually ran out of tears and stood there depressed waiting to hear good news.

"Guys, I'm gonna go buy something to eat. Do you want something?" Jason asks and stands up.

"I want a coffee" I say and he nods.

"Anyone else?"

"Just some water"

"Okay, I'll be right back"

After a couple of minutes he came back and handed me my coffee and Emma some water. I drank a sip of it and a few seconds later a doctor came out of the surgery room. As soon as I saw him I jumped up and run to him.

"What happened? Is he okay?" I quickly ask and he looks at all of us.

"Are you all family?"

"He doesn't have family, only a brother. We're his closest people" Luke answers and they all step around me.

"I'm sorry"

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