Chapter 1

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Jordan's POV

It was about 9:45 when I heard my phone buzzing. "Hello?" I could hear Dani breathing hard in the background. "Dani, are you okay?", I asked. That's when I heard her start sobbing really hard. "Jordan, can I come over, please? I need your help.". Normally, I would think she was kidding or something because we were really good friends and she was the one person I could trust with anything, but she had never been to my house. The only thing was that there was something different in her voice. Something that told me she wasn't kidding and that this was serious. " Yeah, of course, I'll come pick you up. Where are you?" After she gave me some directions to her whereabouts, I grabbed my jacket and car keys. I slipped out the back door in my room and sneaked into my black Toyota. My parents wouldn't be too thrilled that I was bringing a girl home, but who said they had to know. Dani is my best friend, but they are too busy with all their work to really notice anything in my life. They would probably think she was just some random girl I picked up. It started to rain, so I sped up a little, wanting to get to her before she was completely soaked. When I arrived to an area covered with trees, I got out of my truck and tried looking for her. Then, I heard small whimpers. This only made me want to find her more as I followed the sound. My heart started to tear as I found her. She was sitting with her legs pulled up in front of her, her back against a tree, shivering and crying. When she saw me, her eyes lit up but she didn't move. I stepped forward and kneeled in front of her, looking at her in those big brown eyes that always made me feel safe. We stayed like that for a moment, then suddenly she jumped forward and hugged me. I just sat there and soothed her until she stopped crying. She looked up at me and I knew I would do anything for her. " I'm so sorry. You didn't have to come get me. Look, now you're all wet.", she said. I chuckled a little and smirked. "Yeah well, what was I supposed to do; leave you out hear all night?" A small smile played on her lips. I slowly stood and helped her up along with me.

Danielle's POV

We walked silently over to his truck. Jordan knew me well and could tell I didn't want to talk about what led me out here in the first place, at least not yet. When we pulled up into his drive way, he explained to me how his parents didn't even know he had left and how we had to go through his back door. I stepped out of his truck as silently as I could and slowly pushed the door closed until it clicked. When we finnally got to the back door, he smiled at me as he turned the key and opened it to let me in. Then, this weird feeling took over my stomach. It felt like my intestines were twisting and contorting. The feeling ended as sooon as it started leaving me puzzled. What just happened?

He's my Bestfriend, but do I like him?Where stories live. Discover now