Chapter Twenty-Seven

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*Violet's POV*

After two long days dragged by I felt weaker and weaker, the house had been silent for those whole two days and Oli hadn't been down here once. I had a bottle of water in the basement within arms reach and it's really all I could and had been drinking; I have no idea how old it is.

I looked at my feet and realised that for some strange reason the shovel that I had tried to free myself with once before was close again. I didn't hesitate to scoop up the shovel and cut apart the ropes around my feet. Where my hands were tied behind my back I had to no choice but to use my mouth.

What seemed like hours later the ropes finally fell from my ankles to the floor, I let out a small cry of relief before standing up and attempting to run up the basement stairs and to the door, shit I forgot my hands were tied. I turned around and let my hands feel for the door handle behind me and when I grabbed hold of it I quickly opened the door and to my shock went flying through it and landed on the floor on the other side.

Where the hell am I? This doesn't look like Oli's house at all, it looked a lot more feminine and that's when I realised it was most probably Cindy's house but either way I had to get these ropes off my hands and find a way out of here. I cautiously made my way to the kitchen and as such a coincidence would have it, they had a knife set where the handle stuck out of the bottom of the wood block and the blade at the top. I climbed onto the side and began to desperately cut the ropes; finally freedom!

*Oli's POV*

Yes! second day in Spain in the hot sun by the pool. Cindy and I decided that we should have one last holiday where it would be me and her on our own. It's a shame Violet and I never went on holiday togethe..holy...shit. That's what i've been forgetting all this time, I left Violet in the basement all on her own with no food and now i'm in a whole different country. I can't even tell anyone to check on her, I just hope to god she hasn't found a way out or worse; I hope she's still alive. I began to think of excuses to tell Cindy so I could rush home on the first plane out of here.

*Violet's POV*

I ran into the hallway not having a clue what I would do next, I saw a phone and quickly dialed my own house number and waited impatiently for Matt to pick up. The voice I heard next was not Matt however. "Hello?" the voice said, "Matt?" I questioned just incase he was ill or something and sounded different. "No this is his friend Lee, who is this?" Oh, it was Lee! "Lee it's me, Violet, you need to get Matt for me please" I begged, I could hear the shock in Lee's voice "Oh my god Violet, what the hell we've been worried sick, erm..Matt can't get to the phone right now but I can help".

I wanted to ask why but I didn't have time, what if Oli had only popped out for a while, "can you come and get me please Lee!" He agreed and asked where from but I had no idea where Cindy lived, I looked towards the front door and saw a pile of mail building up at the door. I picked up a letter and read the address off the front "erm...4663 Pinwild Road" I quickly said and after a quick "Okay" Lee hung up and all I could do was pace up and down the drive way.

A/N; wow i'm really sorry for this shitty excuse of an update hahah! <3

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