Chapter Fourteen

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A/N; I didn't realize how long this chapter was so i'm sorry if it's a bit much hah! Also check out the song on the side, I've been a fan of Pierce The Veil for a long time and I never knew Jaime could sing like that! <3

I sat up whilst stretching and instantly three faces appeared in front of me. "Wake up sleepyhead" Jaym said in an annoying tone as he ruffled my hair. I sleepily pushed his hand away and shut myself in the bathroom to get ready for the day.

I came back to my bunk and picked up my phone, six missed calls and three messages; how weird. I looked at the call list and next to 'Oliverrr' was six missed calls, they could have been Matt or Oli and the messages were from 'Oliverrr' also.

'Violet please pick up!'

'Oli is in trouble, please we need you'

'We're at the hospital, call me when you get this'

One of the texts was the one I ignored last night and the other two were throughout the night as well as the calls. I dialed Oli's number and waited until the ringing stopped "Violet, finally!" I heard Matt quickly blurt out in a worried tone. He explained to me how Oli had been attacked by someone last night and now he's in hospital. As much as I might hate Oli at the moment I would never wish something bad to happen to him.

After I hung up I ran to the boys and told them what had happened, even Owen looked scared and he wasn't even too keen on Oli. George soon convinced the driver to take a detour to the hospital so I could see if Oli was okay yet.

I felt so guilty for ignoring that text last night as I was falling asleep, why hadn't I just looked at it. We entered the hospital and we were soon on our way to where Oli was being kept. Matt's face lit up when he saw me as he stood up to come rushing over, we hugged for a while and I swear I saw a tear on his face for a second; he must have been really worried about Oli.

The rest of his band was also here but they didn't speak, they barely looked up from the floor as they just sat in a row outside of Oli's room in the hospital. "I'm so sorry we didn't come sooner" I said to Matt once my band joined Oli's on the chairs. He shook his head "it's fine, I was just scared" he said with no emotion whatsoever.

The doctor finally came out after a nervous wait and told us we could all go in, without letting him finish his sentence we sped past him and into the room to see Oli. He looked so weak just lying in the hospital bed trying his best to smile at us all, I saw that his shoulder was all bandaged up; that must have been where that asshole stabbed him.

After a small conversation, the room turned to silence until Jaym popped the question that we had all been dying to ask but no one did. "Did you see who did this to you?" Jaym asked in a small voice whilst his shaking hand pointed towards Oli's shoulder. Oli shook his head, "Nope, it was pitch black!" he whispered, his strong accent was far from 'strong' at the moment.

I can't believe someone was actually getting away with this just because of the darkness, it made me so angry. I looked at each person's face in the room, across Oli's band showed sympathy and hurt, George always looked concerned and as if he's trying to work something out. Owen however looked suspiciously worried, he noticed me staring at me and turned towards the door and left the room.

Matt looked over at me, I just shrugged and followed Owen out the room and down the corridor until I finally caught up with him outside. "Owen what was that all about?" I said with pauses between each word or two as I had to catch my breath after that fast walking. "I just needed some fresh air" he quickly replied and sat down on a wall.

He sat there for a few seconds before standing up "I feel ill, I'm just going for a walk" he said and with that he was off down the street, I decided I couldn't be bothered to chase him this time so I just went back into the hospital and continued to support Oli.

*Owen's POV*

Fuck. That was so not how I wanted to spend my morning, I hate hospitals and medical stuff; it all makes me feel ill.

I turned around to see that Violet hadn't followed me this time thankfully, I couldn't bare to see how hurt she look when she saw Oli sitting in the hospital bed. I walked to the nearest off-license and bought a big bottle of vodka; I sat on a bench close to the off-license and started taking big gulps of the drink.

I soon found myself cursing at my own actions from last night.


I left the bus as I just couldn't sleep, I hardly sleep anymore. A little down the street I saw a pretty drunk Oli making his way back to his bus, I don't know what came over me but my feet controlled themselves to turn around and walk back to my own bus.

My hands picked up the first knife I saw in the drawer and they slid the knife into my pocket, then my feet took the lead again by walking me outside and up to Oli. 'Just remember, we don't want to kill him' I could feel my brain telling me this over and over, and then it happened; I stabbed Oli in the shoulder.

I panicked but it felt like all my anger was leaving my body with ever twist and cut of my knife.

End of Flashback

I looked at the last droplet of vodka left in the bottle with very blurry vision which soon became darkness as I felt myself fall onto the curb of an empty street.

*Violet's POV*

"So Oli is allowed to leave now, but he needs extra care with his wounds as they need to be cleaned properly every few hours. He will still be allowed to perform but go careful on the fist pumping" the doctor spoke and finished his sentence with a little laugh. I can't explain how relieved I am that Oli isn't seriously injured and his band members were pretty excited too as they all joined together and hugged a circle around Oli; it looked hilarious.

I looked around the room and realized Owen still wasn't back here, I thought he would have made his way back by now. I walked over to Jaym and tapped his shoulder "Can you come and help me find Owen please?" I asked him as he spun around to face me, he nodded and off we went. George stayed with Bring Me the Horizon as he wanted to help the guys with Oli on the bus and hang out with them for a bit.

Street after street and there was still no sign of Owen, he couldn't of ventured off to far. Jaym suddenly pointed at a bundled up body on the side of the road "there's our man" he laughed and we both walked over; Owen stunk of alcohol.

Jaym nudged his limp body with his foot and Owen rolled over to face us "dude you are shitfaced" Jaym laughed and started helping Owen up off the floor, I helped too and then we both started walking him back to our bus.

"Why do you think he was drunk?" I asked Jaym as we just made it back to the bus and was now putting Owen into his bunk. Jaym shrugged "I don't know, this guy has issues getting drunk this early though" Jaym laughed and we both sat down in the lounge area; Jaym never failed to lighten up any situation.

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