Chapter Twenty-Four

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A/N; I'm really sorry for the amount of different POV's in this! I hope you like this chapter even though it's totally random.

*Violet's POV*

It's a couple of days after the wedding now and Matt and I are happily married even after Oli's stupid breakout in the middle of the wedding. No one has really heard from him since the wedding, I heard he's still with Cindy and to be honest I don't feel sorry for her, she's stupid for still dating him after what he did to her.

"Hey baby, i'm just going shop so I'll be back soon!" Matt said as he quickly kissed me on the cheek and left the house.

*Oli's POV*

I watched Matt leave the house and I knew this was my chance to get Violet alone. I casually walked up to the front door and knocked, no one would think it's suspicious as they always saw me knocking.

*Violet's POV*

I heard a knock at the front door but as I answered it I felt myself being knocked back inside and onto the floor. Someone was dragging me through the kitchen and to the backyard. I then felt myself being chucked into a van, it all happened so fast.

-A few hours later-

I kept blinking my eyes and a clear picture of a small dim-lit room came into my view. I tried to stand up and find a way out but my feet were tied up with thick rope, I also couldn't move my arms either and although I couldn't see my hands I knew they were tied up too.

Where the hell am I anyway? Each wall of the room looked exactly the same apart from one corner looked like a forest with the amount of mould on it.

I could hear footsteps above me so I assumed I was in someones basement but I had no idea why.

*Oli's POV*

I sat in my front room with Cindy chattering away at me, I was in my own world however and didn't really listen to a thing she was saying to me. I just wanted to go to the basement and check Violet was okay, I don't really know why I locked her down there and what I was even going to do.

However after she rejected me at the wedding I kind of lost my head and drink every minute of the day away with alcohol. I haven't been the same ever since and Cindy only stayed with me for the money I earn, I didn't mind just because it was good to have someone there I guess.

*Violet's POV*

I looked around for something, anything that would help me in any way right now but the closest thing I could see was a garden shovel, it wasn't very sharp but anything was worth a try. I shuffled along the floor on my bum and tried to reach out to the shovel.

I thought if I can get it in between my feet I would be able to put it in my mouth and maybe cut apart the ropes around my feet. But as soon as I managed to get it with my feet the shovel dropped to the floor and made the most loudest and hurrendous noise against the concrete flooring.

*Oli's POV*

Cindy had just gone out and not even five minutes later I heard a noise from the basement, I panickied thinking that Violet might of gotten out the ropes and done something stupid. As I neared the door to the basement I realized I was just in a t-shirt so I chucked on a thick black hoodie and pulled the hood over my face.

I didn't really want Violet to know it was me and I haven't figured out what I'm going to do yet. I opened the door with one hand, my other had a plate of food in it. As I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw a tired looking Violet slumped down on the floor.

I coughed and she quickly dropped something from her feet and stared straight at me. She began backing away up against the wall, I dropped the plate of food next to her and waited for her to say or do something.

"Who, who are you?" she stuttered as she tried to look under my hood, the darkness of the basement helped me hide better so I was thankful for that; I could never let Violet know it's me who kinapped her. I quickly left the basement.

*Violet's POV*

The mysterious person left the basement in a hurry after I asked to know who it was, I didn't expect anyone to actually come into the basement let alone the person give me food. I picked up a bit of the pasta and sniffed it, I realized it had spices on it; but who would know this was my favourite food in the whole world.

After I finshed the bowl of pasta I suddenly felt tired so I made the best out of what I had and pulled a very thin blanket over me, I wasn't getting out of this basement any time soon.

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