Chapter Fifteen

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We carried on the journey to Kansas City, I felt really excited for this show as the crowds were always amazing! Anna came out from the bunk area and sat down with me and Jaym, they cuddled up together and I couldn't help but smile. Jaym deserved someone who treated him nicely and I was pretty glad Anna was here to do that.

Through most of the journey we watched soppy films as the bus was currently overrun with girls as Owen's asleep and George is still on Bring Me the Horizon's bus, it doesn't matter though because we're all going to the same place anyway.

After hours and hours of travelling along endless roads we finally parked up behind the venue we would be playing in tonight, "Jaym can you wake up Owen?" I didn't want to wake him up as I can't deal with Owen when he's drunk or hung-over. He sighed but turned around to go to the bunks, I smiled and hopped off the bus; it was long till Bring Me the Horizon's bus was here too.

George came sprinting off the bus as he wanted to sort things out for tonight's show on our bus, Oli came out the bus next with his arm in a sling, he needed his arm to be supported properly so the hospital made him wear it; it's for the best. As we were walking into the back of the building Oli walked up beside me "are we okay now?" he asked and stared at me, waiting for an answer.

I smiled and nodded "Yeah we are" I replied, I knew I couldn't stay angry at Oli for long, no matter what he did. I felt my feet leave the ground as I was being lifted higher into the air by Matt as he ran up behind me and picked me up, I screamed a little by accident so he put me down and we just hugged for a few seconds.

Soon enough it was just me, Oli and Matt left just chilling out backstage and to tell the truth, I felt pretty bored. "Hey should we go out for lunch somewhere?" Oli suggested, Matt and I agreed and so we all started a journey down the street to a diner we had passed earlier; it wasn't very full so at least it would be peaceful. I just ordered some pancakes whilst Matt and Oli ordered basically everything they had on the menu, I just stared at all their orders piling up on the table "What, we're hungry!" Matt whined as he noticed me giving them weird looks.

They then started feeding each other mouthfuls of each other's food, I couldn't stop laughing and nearly choked on my pancakes; this earned us a few confusing looks and remarks from other customers. After we had finished eating it was still about an hour till we were due to play. "I want to get a tattoo" I said as we left the diner and started wandering the streets. "I'll pay if you get what I choose?" Matt offered, I hesitated before accepting as I could just picture the stupid things he would make me get tattooed on my body for life.

We asked a few people where the tattoo parlour was, I've had one done here before in Kansas City but I can't remember where it is. When we arrived we were greeted by a man who was covered head to toe in tattoos, Matt started looking through the design book whilst I was figuring out where to have the tattoo. I watched him whisper to him what I was having done, I decided whatever the tattoo may be it was going on the side of my stomach.

The pain of a needle constantly hitting your skin fades away after your first or second tattoo so I just stayed still for the whole thing, which gets pretty boring after a while. I walked over to the mirror across the room and tattooed on my side was a dove flying proudly with various leaves and flowers around it; it was beautiful.

Matt paid and we left the shop, I couldn't stop admiring the tattoo "Thank you!" I said as I hugged Matt, he laughed and hugged me back "No problem" he replied whilst we carried on walking down the street. We arrived back at the venue and our managers were suddenly down our throats telling us to hurry up and get ready for the show, I hadn't realized how long we'd took getting my tattoo done.

I walked over to my band and saw Jaym prancing around with Anna, she watched from side stage on all our shows, George was checking everything was okay with his bass. Then there was Owen, he sat glumly on the stool behind his drums just staring at nothing.

We were due to play first of course as we are the support band after all, I could feel the nerves getting to me like they do before every show. Seconds were flying past and it was soon only a minute before we had to go on, we got told to go on stage and the room was suddenly full of screams; I could feel my nerves disappearing.

We went straight into our first song as we entered the stage, to my right I had George jumping around in circles whilst playing his bass, Jaym was on my left doing practically the same thing instead he was on the little tables on the stage jumping around. I could hear Owen crashing away on his drums until it was just me being silent waiting for my cue to start singing.

After our set I felt so out of breath, we said our goodbyes to the crowd and ran off stage. We were tackled by a bunch of crazy boys, well I guess Bring Me the Horizon are all hyped up for their show now, they continued jumping on us before running on stage.

I watched their set with Anna, I had no idea where my boys went. I looked from each one of the band members faces to the next and realized Oli had barely broke eye contact with me whilst he was performing, it's like whenever he had the chance to he would just stare at me and keep smiling. I didn't care until I worked out that Matt was doing the same, but when he realized I noticed him; he would look away.

I didn't let it bother me too much until we were all back in the backstage area waiting for instructions from our managers and I also noticed Owen doing the whole eye contact thing like Matt and Oli, maybe it was just a coincidence. I sat down on the sofa and giggled to myself whilst watching Matt struggle trying to make the vending machine work.

I hadn't noticed Oli drop his body next to me on the sofa until he started waving his hand in my face, I blinked a few times before turning my head to his smirking face, "you were staring at Matt weren't you?" he gasped. I shook my head and denied it, however he kept pushing me for an answer "You like him don't you" he kept poking me in the side. "Fine! I do like Matt okay" I whispered loudly, Matt quickly spun his head around "What, I heard my name" I could feel my cheeks turning redder by the second. "Nothing" I quickly replied and hid my face.

A/N; I might not update for a while as I still need to get the rest of the chapters written ah ;( <3

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