Chapter Nineteen

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We had a show to play at 3pm so we had at least an hour practice to fit in by the time we got to Dallas and unloaded all our instruments and stuff. I jumped off Bring Me The Horizon's bus with George and we ran to our own bus to help get everything ready.

By now it was already 1:30pm and we had only just got all the stuff set up because as usual we always play first to get the crowd hyped up for Bring Me The Horizon. Also George and I still aren't really talking to Owen which is pretty awkward as we are all in the same band.

"Hey George guess what!" i said as I jumped onto George's back. "What" George managed to say as I had my arms wrapped around his neck making it hard for him to speak. "I have a boyfriend" I said as I jumped off his back and stood in front of him waiting for his reaction.

"So Matt finally got the balls to ask you out" George laughed and then smiled "Congratulations" he said and then pulled me into a hug. George is more like my big brother than anything, I feel like I can talk to him a lot easier than how I used to talk to Owen about things.

i peaked out the side of the stage and saw the crowd opposite the stage growing bigger and bigger as the room filled with people. I did my usual warm up for being on stage as I always get nervous but as soon as i'm on stage performing the nerves disappear.

We were soon due to play and this time I kept my eyes on the crowd and not Owen who was whacking away at the drums behind me. After our set Owen chucked his drumsticks in the crowd as Jaym chucked his guitar pick in the crowd too.

As usual we watched Bring Me The Horizon's set, they were always so amazing! Afterwards we waited for Bring Me The Horizon to sort themselves out and then we all went out the front of the venue so we could meet some fans. People were instantly running over asking for pictures with us all.

"Hey aren't you and Matt together now?" one teenage girl asked me, I looked at her with a confused expression as I hadn't told anyone but I wasn't sure if Matt had. "Erm, yeah, how did you find out?" i gave a little laugh to show I wasn't angry at her for asking.

She pulled out her phone and went to Matt's twitter where there was a picture of Matt and I which we had taken on his phone at the fairground, the caption read 'my beautiful girl' the thing is we haven't even been together for a day yet; he must of posted it earlier.

I gave her phone back and she asked for a picture with me and Matt along with her group of friends. It was fun meeting everyone but we eventually had to get back to the buses to speak to our managers, just like a meeting thing that happens after every show.

Pretty soon after we heard a knock on our tour bus door, I was suddenly greeted by five happy faces all dressed up smartly. "Hey we're going to the club, you all coming?" Oli said as he held up a bottle of alcohol. I shouted back to my band and they were soon all at the door and ready to leave for the club.

Once we all got there we were instantly surrounded by strangers dancing and drinking, don't get me wrong I love the club atmosphere but sometimes it's a bit much. Matt linked his arm with mine and we walked towards the bar, he ordered multiple drinks for everyone and we all drank up.

*Owen's POV*

I looked towards Violet and Matt, I saw them clink their glasses together and then kiss. It made anger boil up in my stomach, why does it hurt so much to see the one you love, loving someone else.

I searched around in my pocket so my plan could go forward, Matt had began walking towards me and we started talking about something I wasn't really paying attention in because I was too busy thinking of a distraction. I began pointing across the room and pretending I could see Violet with some other guy, there was my chance, i quickly chucked the pills into his drink and watched them fizz away into nothing.

"Oop's it wasn't her" I laughed so that Matt would turn back around and I could walk away to get another drink, I smirked as I watched Matt take a big gulp out of his glass.

*Violet's POV*

We were nearing the end of the night now and I had barely seen Matt for most of it, the last time I saw him he said he felt a little ill and went to the toilets because he thought he was going to be sick.

I searched around for him in the club and I asked all the people I came here with if they had seen him, "Oli, can you go in the toilets and check please because I can't" i laughed and shrugged at him. He nodded and I watched him walk towards the toilets and not even two minutes later he was dragging out Matt by his arms.

We all ran over to them and I knelt down next to Matt, "wake up!" I tried to shout above the music. "Dude, he doesn't look okay, call an ambulance or something!" I heard George shout. I didn't know what to do, I didn't want to make a big deal out of nothing but I wasn't sure so I rang the hospital anyway.

They got here pretty quickly actually and were all panicking about his condition, Oli and I got into the ambulance with him as we obviously couldn't take everyone. Whilst we were on the way there a doctor was rushing around the stretcher trying to hook him up to multiple wires; I started crying because I felt so scared.

Once we got to the hospital they rushed him off we had trouble catching up. "If you two could just take a seat over there and we will keep you updated!" the doctor tried to say in a calming tone but I could see she wasn't calm at all.

Hours and hours later we were finally called to see him, I ran to his bedside and grabbed his hand in mine. I could see Oli talking to the doctor so I slowly made my way over to them. "Well we think maybe he was spiked with a very very strong drug, he's lucky to be alive". I choked on my tears and went back over to Matt.

*George's POV*

I watched the ambulance drive off and we all started walking home, I then faced Owen "What the fuck! I know it was you!" I shouted as I pushed Owen over in the street. "W-What" Owen stammered as he fell to the floor, "Don't treat my like i'm an idiot I saw you put them in his drink" I said as I stood over Owen whilst he lie on the ground.

He put his hand on his ankle to pretend I had hurt him "So what if it was me?" Owen said as he smirked up at me, he's really asking for it. I kicked him inbetween the legs and watched his whole body curl into a ball as he lay helpless on the floor.

"You deserved that" I said before walking off and calling Violet to see what was going on with Matt. She told me he was fine and alive; thank god! I grabbed Jaym by his sleeve as he stared at me wondering what was going on; Anna just followed Jaym.

"George what about Owen, we can't just leave him there?" Jaym protested as he tried to struggle out of my grip. "I guess your right" I said and pulled Owen off the floor and dragged him down the street by his arms.

A/N; I guess I could say it's nearly the end of the story as I don't really have any more drama which could happen apart from in the next few chapters!

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