Chapter Thirteen

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Once again we were heading to the club but this time just me and my three best friends and band members. We wouldn't be leaving for the next venue until tomorrow morning so at least I could have a drink or two. Shit tomorrow, I would have to face Oli all over again.

I ignored my stupid thoughts about Oli and continued ordering drinks at the bar with George, he picked up multiple glasses of whiskey from the bar and handed them to me, Jaym and Owen. We clanked the glasses together and downed the whiskey, the burning feeling hitting the back of my throat is exactly what I need; I suddenly found myself ordering another one. Pretty soon after we all hit the dance floor, for the first time in hours I finally could pull a genuine real smile. I looked towards the bar and something or should I say someone caught my eye, of course Oli would be here; something would have to ruin my night. He had a blonde girl on his right arm, she looked very fake. Owen noticed that I was staring over at him and tried to calm me down.

Not even ten minutes after, Oli appeared at my side without the blonde girl "Can't we still just be friends?" he asked as I stared at him with a look of disappointment. "No Oli, you've done this to me before and I can't take it all again" I had to stop myself from shouting, or worse than that; crying. As angry as I am at Oli, I want to say yes to staying friends with him so bad but I can't take his lying and cheating.

*Oli's POV*

After Violet rejected me I just walked away, why doesn't she understand that I made a mistake but that doesn't mean I don't love her. My whole band has been making horrible remarks against me ever since Matt answered the door to a very confused Violet.

I said I was sorry and to my band too but I guess sorry isn't enough. I went back over to Simone, I've only met her today as she keeps coming over to me telling me she's a fan and everything and obviously I don't like being horrible to fans so I told her I would hang out with her.

"What did she say?" Jonah asked me as I trailed back over with my head hung low. I shook my head at him and ordered another drink. I watched him shrug and then head back over to the dance floor with the boys.

Simone came over seeming a whole lot more drunk than she first was when I met her not even half an hour ago. I weakly smiled at her but that was soon cut short when she tried to stick her tongue down my throat "What the fuck" I managed to sputter out whilst pushing her face away from me. She looked hurt when I pushed her away but it was just my immediate reaction.

I don't love Simone, I love only one girl and that's Violet.

*Violet's POV*

Whilst I continued dancing with the boys from my band I felt another pair of hands swiftly grasp each hand of mine, I quickly turned around expecting to see Oli desperately trying to win me over but instead there stood Matt Nicholls.

I smiled with relief that it was Matt before I was dragged off to the bar area. "Two whiskeys please" Matt said to the bar man, shortly one of them was passed to me and we both downed them in five seconds flat. Without any warning what so ever Matt suddenly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug, "I'm so sorry about Oli" he whispered into my ear and then kissed my cheek before letting go of me. Matt's hugs are the best as you just feel so safe, whoa where did that thought come from?

I noticed Matt staring at me for a long period of time, but then I realized that for me to know that I must have been staring at him too. I knew it wouldn't be long before Owen would have to come and ruin another moment as he popped up next to us talking about how late it was; but he was right I guess.

Matt looked sad when he was saying goodbye but I could see he was trying his best to hide it, he's been acting really odd today but then again, everything has been weird lately.

Me, Jaym, George and Owen started to make our way back to our bus as we would be leaving early in the morning and I wanted some sleep before then. I got changed and tucked myself up in my bunk when my phone started buzzing from under the palm of my hand. I mentally cursed at my phone as I had a feeling it would be Oli.

From; Oliverrr

Hey it's Matt, I have no idea where Oli is but I found his phone and so I wanted to make sure you're okay?


I felt my facial expression change as I realized it wasn't Oli, it took me a while before i finally wrote back...

To; Oliverrr

You only left me like literally half hour ago, but yes I'm fine! goodnight x

Violet xo

Why did Matt suddenly care about my wellbeing, i decided I felt too tired to question myself about anything right now so I slowly shut my eyes and let myself start to drift to sleep. I did feel my phone buzzing in my hand but this time I ignored it.

A/N; Sorry I don't know why but I just haven't been in the mood for writing lately, it's like my mind has gone blank, but i'm trying, sorry if this is crap or whatever :) I'll update properly soon x

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