Chapter Six

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Weirdly I felt sad having to say goodbye to Oli, even though I had only been on a flight with him for a small amount of time it just seemed like we bonded quite a lot. Also I would see him in a day or two because we will be touring together; I guess I just felt lonely without him here.

I hugged him as we had both found our luggage at the baggage pickup bit and then we parted ways, the boys were going to meet me outside the airport so thats where I began walking. Jaym frantically started waving at me like a little kid when he saw me walking towards them; I couldn't help but laugh at how silly he looked. Owen and George soon appeared next to Jaym and were soon copying Jaym's stupid wave and jumping up and down; they were now only doing it to embarrass me.

"How was your plane journey?" Owen asked as he wrapped his arms around me and dragged me into a hug. I pondered the question, how was my journey? It was pretty irritating at first but then I kind of liked the company I had. "Yeah it was alright I guess!" I replied, I couldn't be bothered to have a massive discussion about Oli right now.

We all chucked our luggage into the back of a cab outside the airport; it drove us to our hotel where we all soon got settled. We managed to get a hotel room where there were two rooms but one had two single beds in whereas the other one had a double bed in. "I think Violet should have her own room!" Owen quickly shouted as we stood in the hallway of our hotel room. I smiled at Owen and then wheeled my suitcase into the room with the double bed; I then stuck my tongue out and shut my door.

*Owen's POV*

"Well, it looks like we will have to make do with this" I said with a whisper as me, George and Jaym walked into the other room. "Dude you're the one who said she should have her own room!" George said as he punched my arm. I didn't mind really, we bought the blow-up bed with us anyway so I would sleep on that.

We started unpacking our things, as I was doing so I began to hear our new song blasting through the wall from Violet's room; I even began to sing along.

*Violet's POV*

I had finally unpacked all my things and I decided to see how the boys were getting on with unpacking. Their door was a little open so I just casually walked in, I looked on the floor to see their suitcases were still packed; typical boys. I then looked up to see Jaym sat on the end of a bed playing his guitar; but quietly. I couldn't help but stand there and listen, I honestly didn't know he could play guitar like that because normally it would be something heavy and fast, but this was something different.

Jaym suddenly jumped up when he noticed me standing at the door just staring. "Where did you learn to play like that?" I asked Jaym with a shocked expression still hanging on my face. He just shrugged and continued unpacking his things. "The others are on the balcony" he said as he started putting more clothes into the wardrobe.

I made my way to the balcony and saw George and Owen messing about "Hey, hurry up so we can grab some food" I said with a little irritation playing in my voice; I hadn't eaten for hours, and I get ratty when I'm hungry.

When the boys were finally ready we left the hotel to grab a Nandos. I ordered the least food out of us all, it was pretty funny watching the boys stuff their faces and then still wanting more food afterwards. After a while we went back to the hotel, we all said goodnight and went to our separate rooms. I then remembered my journey over here and Oli.

Whilst I snuggled up in my hotel bed, I picked up my phone from the table next to the bed and started writing out a text...

To; Oliverrr

I'm sorry but I can't sleep and I wanted to speak to someone :(

Violet xo

I put my phone down and patiently waited for a text back, in the mean time I grabbed my iPod from across the room and plugged in my headphone; I listened to more demos. I saw my phone light up and a little spark went off in my brain. I had a new message...

From; Oliverrr

Come meet me then? I can't sleep either :(


I found myself smiling at the text and then I text him back telling him what hotel I was at. I then looked at the clock; it was only 11pm so it wasn't too late at night. I quietly got dressed into a pair of black skinny jeans, a red checkered shirt and my black beanie. I crept out of my room so I wouldn't wake the boys and picked up my American patterned vans, quickly slipping them on I ran out the door and made my way down the flights of stairs.

I walked through the hotel door and saw a rather lively looking Oli Sykes, I'm so glad I decided to come out. "Hello m'lady" Oli said as he gracefully knelt to the floor and kissed my hand, I cringed but laughed at the same time. "Hello Oli, so where we going?" I asked as he finally got up off the floor. He then grabbed my hand "You'll soon see" he said and then practically skipped off down the road; dragging me behind.

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