Chapter Two

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"..Thank you everyone for listening to us, you've been great, cya" I finished down the microphone we then walked off stage, we had just performed three songs and I was so tired. We all went back to the mini-van, well I guess it isn't as mini as I keep saying it is, because in the back it still has four beds, a small bathroom and enough space for a lounge area/kitchen area; It was more like a mini tour bus.

It was now only about 8pm and I was itching for a cigarette, I told the guys and then made my way outside, I leant up against the van and lit up my cigarette. A familiar face slowly walked towards me, oh great.

"Oh, hey Violet" Oli said as he began walking past but then stopped to speak to me, I didn't meant to seem rude with my next comment, I guess it just popped out. "Oli, seriously what are you doing?" I snapped. He was a bit took back with my outburst. "I..I just wanted to talk to you" he stuttered as he spoke, he only did that when he was nervous.

I took another drag from my cigarette and then put it out, "Fine, go ahead" I said throwing my cigarette to the floor and looking straight at him, waiting for him to 'talk'. "I just want to clear the air with us, it all seemed pretty awkward earlier you know" he softly said, I just couldn't find it in me to forgive him; even though it was five years ago.

I sighed, I really did want to be friends with him, but I just couldn't "Oli," I started off, but I gulped as I thought of the past, "You really did hurt me, I don't know if I can ever forget that" I stared straight at him, all I saw was sadness in his big brown eyes, he said nothing.

"I've got to get back to the band, see you around" he replied after a few minutes and then quickly hurried away in the opposite direction. I mentally kicked myself, why couldn't I just let the past go, Oli is a really nice guy, but I continue to hold a grudge against him after five years.

As I returned to the van all the boys slowly looked at me, "What?" I asked, I looked at each one of them for an answer until Jaym spoke up "We heard you talking outside, were you speaking to yourself?" he asked, of course I wasn't, I would have to be mad to do that. "Uh, yeah I was, anyway time for bed, night" I rushed over to my bed and buried my head in the pillows; I silently cried myself to sleep.

I woke up with make up all down my face; I quickly wiped it all off so the boys wouldn't see the tear stains of my mascara and eyeliner. We weren't doing a set till later in the day, normally the boys would sleep in pretty late and then wake up about an hour before the show, I decided today that we weren't all going to be lazy; I also realized that I'm finally ready to forgive Oli and become friends once again, I had a dream about him that really made me remember how nice he was to be around.

I woke up the boys one by one, by whispering in their faces, but if that didn't work I would poke them in the sides until they stopped grunting at me and finally dragged themselves up from bed. As much as I got on with George he was definitely the most quiet member of the band, they all resembled big brother figures either way.

We walked around the festival grounds and greeted a few of our fans for a while, until I bumped into Oli again, this was the third time during Download and it was only the second day. "Oh, I'm sorry" he quickly said as he made sure I was okay. "It's fine, I wanted to talk to you anyway" I replied with no expression what so ever.

~A/N; To tell you the truth I don't really have a plot for this story yet, but I'm working on it! :)~

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