Tears fell down my face as I stared off into the distance. Everything in my life is slowly slipping out of my hands. All because of him. And because it's happening so fast it's tearing me apart quickly.

"Stop crying you'll get over it." He snapped before he drove off. "You don't get it do you?" I whispered as he looked over at me. "What?" He asked rudely. "You don't get why I'm crying do you?" I asked as I felt anger grow inside of me. I looked at him dead in the eye as he stared at me unamused.

"I'm loosing everything because of you! My friends, my family, my school, my whole damn life! I worked hard for everything I got and you're taking it all away so easily!" I snapped at him as he rolled his eyes and stopped paying attention towards me. "You think I really care Payton? Wake up and taste the reality of life sweetheart. You don't always get what you want." He said as I widen my eyes when my name fell from his lips.

"You don't have a right to call me by my name." I hissed. "Oh I don't? Too bad." He said bitterly as I shook my head. "How did I end up with such a cold hearted criminal?" I whispered to myself as I crossed my arms and looked outside my window.

"I'd watch that mouth of yours Payton." He growled. I frowned deeply as I heard him use my name again. I hate this man already. He doesn't deserve to know my name. He doesn't deserve anything from me.

"My friends won't believe that you know. They won't believe that I really just went up and left. I was suppose to meet them for lunch today, and I already saw Claire this morning, so she will know that something is wrong. They know how bad I wanted to be in this school, they won't believe it for a second when they hear I got transferred." I said after the silence annoyed me. Did he really think this plan would work all the way? Didn't he know I had smart friends?

He just stayed quiet as he continued to drive far from town. "If you'll be worried about them being worried, you should let me call them." I spoke softly before he answered sharply. "No." His low voice made me flinch. "Why not?" I asked. "Because, I don't trust you. You could tell them everything." He spoke lowly as he made a sharp turn.

"Aren't you going to tell me what to say to them though?" I asked as I finally glanced over at him. "You're not speaking to anyone anymore and that's final. You'll only be allowed to speak to the ones who are going to be in your new life. Everyone before this day will no longer exist in your life." He said as my eyes widen and my mouth dropped.

"What?! Are you serious?! How can you do that to me!?" I yelled at him as he focused on the road. "It's all your fault for being at the wrong place at the wrong time! This is what you get for seeing what you saw!" He raised his voice at me as I felt a lump in my throat while I scooted closer to the door and madly looked outside.

"You have no other choice but to accept everything that is going to happen now. Forget about your friends, forget about your family, and forget about your damn school because you'll never see either of them ever again!" He yelled as tears rolled down my cheeks.

All I ever wanted to do at this point was scream to the top of my lungs and attack him. But I couldn't. He had a gun in his jeans, and all I had was a pen in my hand. I couldn't do nothing but listen to his harsh words and sit here and cry. He's ruining my life and he knows it. I was useless to him.

I was nothing but a witness who saw what shouldn't have been seen. And all I can really do is blame myself for all of this happening. If only I clicked the song faster. If only I didn't jog over there. If only I never left my dorm. I would of been in class enjoying everything.

But no. I'm realizing that reality is all that I'm going to get. I'm stuck here with this stranger who is determined to keep me. Someone who is withholding me. Someone who will possibly never let me go.

Withhold [H.S]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora