Ch. 10 Work From Home

Start from the beginning


"I don't need your buts. See a butt doctor, not me." I cut off making her huff and give up.

"Why does everything have to be your way or no way? wonder Corey snapped up that job in New York" She mutered the ending thinking I couldn't hear.

"What?" I asked softly, genuinely hurt.

"Well think about it, what married man is completely ok with leaving his wife right after the honeymoon? One that isn't happy." She blurted before her face got soft and she started stuttering.

"I-I didn't mean that. I'm sorry." Sab apologized trying to put her hand on my shoulder.

I backed up and she dropped her hand limply while closing her eyes and sighing. My eyes felt watery. She's right. A guy doesn't get that excited to leave unless he's unhappy. Is Corey unhappy? What am I doing wrong? Maybe I am too snappy...maybe I should be less over protective or bossy or needy. It wouldn't help, if he really is unhappy then I can't do anything.

"Row, I said I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me. Please forgive me." Sab pleaded.

"No need to. What got into you...was the truth." I sighed letting a tear fall and turning to leave the room.

"Wait, Row! You can't think that Corey really isn't happy. He loves you, more than I think anyone has ever loved another person. He'd die for you, he practically worships you, he went to New York because you told him to." Sab lectured trying to get me to look at her.

I spun around to face her and gave her a look that screamed "Are you stupid?!"

"Of course I told him to! I'm his wife, what kind of wife would I be if I said 'Don't go live your dream Corey, stay here and take care of me like the damn baby I am!' ? If he really cared he would've argued to stay." I yelled and Sab blinked in shock.

"And even if he did argue, you would've driven him to the airport and forced him onto the plane. Corey loves you ok? What I said back there was nerves, a slip of the tongue, I didn't mean it and it's not true."

I looked at her for a long time and then wiped my eyes. I put on a stone face, squared my shoulders and didn't dignify her with a response. Instead I walked into the bathroom and woke up Dove.

"Wake up." I said flatly.

Stone still. Not a movement.

"Get up, Dove." I said again shaking her a little.

Nothing. Fine. I removed the shower head and put it on the jet setting. Not only does that setting hurt but the temperatures are extreme. I put it on hot and turned it on. I aimed it at Dove's face and she sat up immediately screaming.


"Do you wanna breathe?" I asked casually.

"DUH!" She gargled spitting water out.

"Then get up the first time." I spat dropping the shower head on her stomach while it was still on & hot.

I walked into the nursery and rolled my eyes when I saw Sarah still passed out in the crib. It's 11:00 A.M on a Tuesday for crying out loud! I went over and shook her gently. Unlike Dove she stirred the first time.

"Mornin' Row..." She mumbled sitting up.

"Out the nursery, Into the shower--you smell like old tequila." I deadpanned walking to where Carmen was.

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