Chapter 12.

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What have I done? What is wrong with me? CRASH! Shit! I screamed, "CORA!"

This is all my fault. She could be dead! "Ethan get your sorry ass over here and help me!" Ethan had watched the fight, not saying anything. Now he was just standing on the curb, looking shocked. You and me both, buddy.

The driver of the car had gotten out and was picking up Cora by the time I got there. "I am so so sorry, I didn't see her." She sounded sad.

"I...It's okay. Just give her to me, I'll take her to the hospital."

"Okay, here." The girl handed Cora to me, and proceeded to drive away. She had said something about the police, so she was probably going to turn herself in.

"Oh Cora, I'm so sorry, please don't die." Shit. Cora, don't leave me. "Ethan! Drive us to the hospital!"


"She's okay, but still sleeping. You can go see her if you like, but family hours start in ten minutes so make it quick." The nurse smiled at me.

"Thanks, I'll go see her quickly." I stood up shakily and made my way to the door. Slowly, I opened the door and stepped into the room. Cora was sleeping soundly on the hospital bed. She had a cast on her right ankle and a part of her arm was wrapped in gauze, she looked bad, but not like ugly-bad. Quietly, I walked over to her bed, knelt down, and held her hand.

"Thank God you're okay. I don't know what I would do if you weren't. I'm sorry for everything I said, I didn't mean any of it. I shouldn't have said it, I shouldn't have yelled." Readjusting my hand I finished what I was saying, "I haven't known you for long, but I really like you. You're perfect in every way, you're beautiful, you're a good kind of different, you're funny, you're amazing. Please don't be mad. I'm sorry."

The door opened and the nurse said, "Excuse me, but family hours start in five minutes. Please finish up."

"Y...Yeah, I'll be out in one minute." I had started crying but I didn't realize.

"Okay, thank you sir." The nurse exited the room, she looked annoyed.

Turning back to Cora, I realized she was awake. "Cora!"

She gave me a warm smile and said, "Hi. I feel like shit."

Between fits of laughter I said, "I'm s...sorry about earlier."

"I heard your little speech. No need to say it again, I forgive you."

"You forgive me? But how? I'm the cause of all this." I gestured around the room.

"My stupid impulses were the cause of this." She gestured to her arm and foot. "Thank you, Chris. For staying, you didn't have to stay. You could've left."

"I would never leave you." I leaned in so close that I could kiss her, which was my intention. Until the door opened and the nurse walked in.

"Time's- oh I'm sorry, did I interrupt anything?" The nurse asked.

Blushing, I pulled away from Cora and said to the nurse, "No, I'll leave now."

"Perfect. Oh and Coralynn, your mom and brother are here. Along with some friends who are going to wait to see you."

"Okay, thank you." Cora smiled at the nurse, somehow she wasn't blushing. I gave her hand one last squeeze and walked out of the room. 

Cora's mom and brother were waiting outside the room with worried expressions. "Is she okay?" Her mom asked.

"Yes, she just broke her ankle and her arm is wrapped, there will probably be bruising, but I'm not a doctor." I said.

"Oh, oh my gosh thank you. She would've d...died if you weren't there." Her mom grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"Yeah, thanks," Her brother was picking his nails, he looked nervous. "Christian?"

I chuckled and said, "Yeah, that's my name."

Her mom's eyes sparkled with amusment. "We've heard a lot about you, I'm Mary and this is my son Toby."

"All good things, I hope?" Both Mary and Toby laughed at that and said yes.

"Well, we should go see her, thank you Christian," Her mom waved and pulled Toby into the hospital room.

I turned around to see Derek and Julia sitting in chairs, talking in hushed voices. Derek's eyebrows were furrowed in thought and he was tapping his foot against the floor quickly. Julia was darting her eyes between Derek and I, she looked like she was trying to figure something out.

I decided it was best if I didn't go over there, so I walked down the long hall, went down the elevator, and walked out of the hospital. I called Ethan to come and get me.

"Hello?" He answered the phone.

"Ethan, come pick me up from the hospital."

"I assume your girlfriend is okay then, or did you get in another fight?"

"The first one."

"Okay, I'm on my way. See you in five."

"See you then."

Shortly after he hung up, Ethan picked me up in his shiny grey car. "So what's the deal? Any major injuries?" He asked as I buckled myself.

"A broken ankle, wrapped up arm, and some proabable bruising," I said.

Ethan scoffed, "Since when did you use the word 'probable' in a sentence?"

"I don't know, man."

"Okay, so where to?"

"We can go to your house, if you want."


Quickly I sent Cora a quick text message, 'Hey baby, I just wanted to let you know that I left the hospital with Ethan, and if you need me just text or call me. Even if it's 2 am, I'll come and stay with you. Okay, bye!'

I just wanted her to know that I left, so she wouldn't be worried. I'm not a bad boyfriend, I mean I think so. Anyways, once we arrrived at Ethan's house we chilled and played video games for a while, then I walked back to my house.

"Dad! I'm home!" I shouted, walking into the house.

My dad appeared at the entry way to the living room, "My, my, Christian, can you explain why you are just getting home at eleven-thirty pm?"

"Well, it's a long story," I said taking off my coat.

"I have time."

"Well, one of my girlfriend's best friends killed himself today after school." Shock registered on my dad's face. "I got called by another one of her friends, she was asking if I could come pick Cora up because she wasn't handling the death well. I picked her up from the bridge on the west side of town with Ethan, and he drove us here. You were still at work at this point by the way. Anyway, Cora and I got into an argument and she ran out onto the street, getting hit by a car."

"Is she dead?" My dad looked very troubled.

"No, she's okay. At the hospital I told her I was sorry and we made up, then I went to Ethan's house, not realizing it was so late."

"You've had a busy day young man."

"You could say that."

AN: My computer is about to die, noooooooooooo

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