Chapter 34.

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AN: Not the best chapter but I hope you enjoy anyway 💜


"I just don't know yet, Owen."

I haven't slept in days, and you call me to say you don't know when I finally fell asleep?

I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed. "Cora-"

"Please stop pleading," She said, cutting me off.

I sighed, this time more exaggerated than the last and stood up. Adjusting the computer camera I said, "I bet you think that I'm going to cheat on you, with good reason. I get that you have trust-"


"No, just let me say this."


"I get that you have trust issues. You just have to believe me when I say that hurting you is the last thing I want. I would never think of cheating on you again, all I want to do is make you happy. If there's something I can do, I'll do it. I'd happily die for you, I'd take away all your pain and suffer it for myself. What do you want me to do?"

In the smallest of voices, Cora said, "Leave me be. Stop trying to reach out to me. Stop texting me, delete my number. Forget that 'we' were ever a thing."

Those words were enough to break my heart, and break my heart they did. I was blinking back tears now, but failing miserably. The tears ran down my face as I silently cried. Through my tears I managed to say, "Coralynn, please."

I looked up to see that she was crying as well. Even with her mascara pooling and leaving tear tracks, she was still beautiful.

"Goodbye, Owen."

The screen went black and I closed my laptop. I padded over to my bed and collapsed in a heap on top of it. I weeped until there were no more tears to shed, and when I did stop, I went to sleep.



I clicked the off button on my alarm and jumped out of bed. Correction, I stumbled out of bed.

As I opened the drawer to my dresser, all the events of last night came back to me. I covered my face with my hands then ran my fingers through my unruly hair. What could I have done different?

I slowly slipped on my baggiest sweatpants and shirt. Finally I shrugged in my coat, sneakers, and my hat. I looked in the mirror and saw someone that was it me looking back at myself. Well, it was me, but I looked dead. Dark circles made themselves a home under my eyes and my hair was an absolute mess under my hat.

Ehh, whatever.

I padded down the hallway and into the kitchen to grab my backpack and a granola bar then I was out the door, walking to school. Now, walking to school in the freezing cold sucks, but I only live a block away from the school.

The warmth of the school greeted me as I walked through the intimidating doors. My two best friends, Cory and Liam, also greeted me.

"Dude you look terrible, what the hell
happened?" Cory asked.

"You know Coralynn, right?" I asked as we walked in the general direction of our lockers.

"Yeah, she's the one you've been visiting and you're in love with her or something," Liam said.

"Yep, that's the one. Well anyway she basically told me to stop reaching out to her and to delete her number and forget you she ever existed," I said, frowning.

Both boys sucked in a breath. "Dude, I'm sorry. That shit sucks," Liam was the one to finally talk.

Cory nodded, "Yeah, I mean, I know we don't usually do this heart-to-heart crap but we're here for you."

"Thanks guys."


The halls were packed when I got out of fourth hour to go to lunch. Why, I'm not sure. I weaved and pushed my way to the end of the hallway and saw the principal standing with a podium on wheels.

Mr. Walter said, "Students of Grizzly High, it saddens me to inform you that our superintendent, Mrs. Kane, is extremely sick."

Cue gasping from the whole student body. I, on the other hand, wasn't that shocked. Mrs. Kane is a bit older, and was in and out of the hospital all summer.

Mr. Walter spoke up again, "Now now, calm down. Until she gets better, we won't have a superintendent. I'm sure she will be okay within a few weeks, but we won't let her sickness be an excuse as to not get anything done. Everything will go on as usual."

The crowd dispersed to their individual classes or lunch. I made my way through the crowd and into the lunchroom, there I got a slice of pizza and took a seat at my usual table. Cory and Liam both took their seats shortly after.

"You guys hear about Mrs. Kane, right?" I asked.

Liam scoffed, "'Course we did. Crazy shit, huh?"


We ate in silence for a little while until Cory spoke up, "So what are you going to do about Coralynn?"

I took a deep breath before saying, "I'm not sure, I mean I want to respect her and do what she said, but I just can't let her go."

I just can't let her go.

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