Chapter 25.

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AN: Sorry in advance for the crappy filler chapter!

Christmas break was next week, and Adam was visiting again, hopefully with Brandon. Maybe I'll talk to Owen if Adam talks me into it. The thing that's holding me back isn't the fact that I don't love him, it's that I wouldn't know what to say to him. I don't know what to say to the boy I've known forever, to the boy who has seen me in my embarrassing years, the boy who was my first boyfriend, my first kiss.

I can't talk to him, I can't see him, it's too much, too soon. I love him too- wait, love? I surely don't love him, probably just my mind playing tricks on me.

'But you do love him!,' Screamed a voice inside my head.

No, I can't. Just yesterday I was trying to love him, I can't just love him, nope. Nope, this can't be happening. How can I love him? I was just dumped two weeks ago! I just talked to him for real for the first time in years just two weeks ago, as well! What the hell is wrong with me?

This isn't possible, nor is it fair. It's not fair that I have to catch feelings for the a boy who I left behind with no second chance. It's not fair that my boyfriend liked my best friend, it's not fair that I moved here for no reason, it's not fair that Leo's dead, nothing is fucking fair anymore!

'Life's not fair, get over it!' Screamed the same voice.

"Co? Are you in your room?" I heard Toby's voice ring throughout our semi-new house.

I yelled back, "Yeah!"

Footsteps could be heard getting closer with each step, and before long Toby knocked on my closed door. I didn't answer, and Toby took that is an okay to come in. My little brother stood awkwardly in the middle of the room

"Um, Mom wanted me to tell you that you need to come downstairs, she wants to talk to us," He said.

I sat up from my laying position on my bed and said, "Okay, what does she need to talk to me about?"

"She didn't say." Toby led me out of the room and down the stairs and into our cozy living room. I followed anxiously, wondering what Mom needed to say.

My mom was sitting on our leather couch, sipping some wine. When Toby and I sat down next to her, Mom set down her glass and looked up at us with her hazel eyes I knew so well. "Okay, I have a few things I need to say to both of you. Coralynn, you know you can tell me what happened right?" She sounded disappointed that I had yet to tell her everything.

I blushed and said, "I...I'm sorry Mom, I didn't think you'd understand. Everything's a bit complicated right now."

"I know, but I'm concerned that I had to learn about Chris and Julia from Toby," Mom grasped my hand and gave me a forgiving look. "Now, Toby, any girls?"

Toby blushed as red as a tomato and sputtered, " Mom! I would tell you!"

After laughing I said, "So, no girls?"

"Not at the moment," Toby answered, still blushing.


Our school did these candy-cane things for the winter holidays. Basically you pick someone to send a candy cane to and on one day all the candy canes are delivered to all the students who were sent one. The candy canes cost one dollar, and you can write little messages on them, like for example here is something that would be put on one:

To: Coralynn Andrews

From: Toby Andrews

Enjoy the candy cane!


Your favorite brother.

Today, in school, during lunch period the school council were selling them.

I walked over to the little stand in the corner of the lunch room.

"Hello, how many candy canes?" The girl working there asked.

"Three please. One for Derek Bristowe, one for Toby Andrews, and one for Julia Lakes," I said.

The girl nodded and asked, "Any specific messages?"

I asked, "Can I write them?"

"Sure, here are the pieces of paper," She slid the slips of paper to me and I wrote the messages on them for each person. 

A few days later

I got candy canes from Derek, Julia, and Toby.

To: Coralynn Andrews

From: Derek Bristowe

Hey, best friend, you deserve this candy cane from someone as awesome as me because you're actually pretty cool.

Derek's made me smile, tear up, and laugh.

To: Coralynn Andrews

From: Julia Lakes

Hey, I'm really sorry about everything. I miss you and I hope maybe we can be friends again?

-- Julia

Julia's made me happy about what I sent to her.

To: Coralynn Andrews

From: Toby Andrews

Love you sis!

-- Best brother ever

It was hard to contain my giggle at Toby's attempt to be cute. He did very well, though.


My candy canes were from Cora and Dylan.

To: Derek Bristowe

From: Coralynn Andrews

This candy cane is for my ride or die best friend. Have a good Christmas, Derek!

Love you,


Yes girl! Love you too!

To: Derek Bristowe

From: Dylan Holly

I hope this makes you jolly!

Love your number one bae,

Dylan Holly

Nice rhyming, Dyl.


I got candy canes from Chris and Cora.

To: Julia Lakes

From: Christian Clark

I'm really sorry about everything, but I really like you. Of course, I had to send you one of these stupid things.



Maybe Chris wasn't lying.

To: Julia Lakes

From: Coralynn Andrews

Hey Jules. I was mad at you at first, but I get that you can't help who you like, so this candy cane is a peace offering. Friends?

~ Cora

Cora's note made me happy about what I sent to her.

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