Chapter 4.

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AN: So before we get into the fourth chapter I want to say that I will be updating every day or every other day. 

At the end of the week I will be going to AZ to visit my sister for two and a half weeks, during those weeks I will post two chapters a week due to wanting to spend time with my family. 

Okay let's get into the chapter!!!!!!!!

"How was school?" My mom asked Toby and I. "Did you make any friends?"

"It was good, and yeah I met a few people," I said setting down my backpack.

My mom's face lit up when she heard me say that. "That's great! How about you Toby?"

"Yeah, it was good," Toby muttered.

"Okay, well I'm going up to the store. What do you guys want for supper?" My mom grabbed her purse and started putting her shoes on.

Toby and I both looked at each other and smirked, "QUESADILLAS!" We both started dancing around the room chanting 'Momma's famous quesadillas!'

"How did I know you kids would say that?" My mom chuckled.


While mom was making food I passed the time by refreshing my Instagram feed and watching YouTube. Around six Mom called Toby and I to supper. I raced down the stairs, jumping the last three, and sat down in my seat.

"Dig in!" My mom exclaimed from the kitchen.

"Don't need to tell me twice!" Toby was already scarfing down his food.

After we finished eating I was doing the dishes when my phone buzzed.

Unknown number: Hey! It's Leo from school, is this Cora?

"Tobyyyyyy?" I shouted.


"How did Leo get my number?"

"Oh that was his name! Yeah he came up to me after school and asked."

"He could've just asked me."

"Maybe he forgot."


Cora: Hey Leo, yes it's Cora. Did you by chance get my number from my brother?

Leo: Yeah haha, I forgot to ask you.

Cora: How did you know it was my brother when you asked?

Leo: You looked alike and he hugged you when you got to school.

Cora: Stalker.

Leo: I'm not a stalker, I'm just observant.

Cora: Mhmm sure.

Leo: Anyways the reason I wanted your number was because I was wondering if you want to go to homecoming together. As friends obviously, I know you just got out of a relationship.

Cora: Sure! Got that out of the way. When is homecoming for our school anyway?

Leo: Last week of September.

Cora; Okay cool.

We talked for a few more hours and soon it was almost midnight. Mom and Toby were both sleeping by now. 

We talked for a few more hours and soon it was almost midnight. Mom and Toby were both sleeping by now. I got into my pajamas and slipped into my bed. I didn't realize how tired I was until I laid down. Soon I fell asleep.


Wells and I were sitting on the beach hand in hand. I had my head rested against his shoulder.

"Promise me you'll never cheat on me like he did," I whispered.

"I promise," Wells whispered back.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Suddenly the dream changed and I was back in Illinois with my old boyfriend at a football game. I was walking to my car when I saw him kissing another girl against a tree.

"Owen?" I asked.

Owen and the girl sprang apart. "Cora? This isn't what if looks like please wai-"

"No! I trusted you Owen!"

I woke up crying. The dream was a flashback. Wells and I had been talking about how Owen had cheated on me. I had him promise that he would never cheat on me, he broke his promise.

I had been dating Owen for five months in my freshman year before he cheated on me. The girl was captain of the cheerleading team. Long brown hair, cat-like eyes, heavy makeup, a senior, skinny, you know, the works. A freshman dating a senior. That's why I found it hard to believe.

Knock knock. "Cora, are you awake? I'm leaving in ten minutes if you want a ride!" My mom called.

"Okay! I'll be down in a few!" I yelled through the door. I quickly wiped away my tears and changed into my clothes. In about five minutes I was ready.

*Time skip to Friday*

Ring! Ring!

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Hey Cora, it's Derek. Do you mind meeting me at my house, I'll text you the address."

"Of course! I'll leave now!"


Derek ended the call. It sounded like he was crying. What could he be crying about?

I got to Derek's house to find him sobbing on his porch. I ran up to the black-and-blue-haired boy and sat down. "What's wrong?"

"I...I kissed-" A whole new wave of tears engulfed him. Derek shook and failed to complete his sentence. Who did he kiss?

AN: CLIFFHANGER!! Sorry not sorry! ;)

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