Chapter 30. Christmas Special!

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Christmas Day was never a big thing in our family. But today, it was different. Derek and Dylan were coming over, as well as one of Toby's friends. Adam and Brandon were coming too. I invited Julia, but she can't come until later on.

Usually, we have Christmas tree shaped pancakes, but today Owen made waffles. They were big and fluffy, they even had chocolate chips cooked into them. How he did that, I'll never know.

Right as I was stuffing my face with the last bite of my waffles, Owen decides to ask me a question. "What time are your friends coming over?"

"Shmmhgbbig," I attempted to talk but it ended up sounding like a dying goat.

After swallowing my food I tried again, "In an hour."

"Okay sounds good," he said.


Ding dong! ...... ding dong!

I ran down the stairs and to the door as quick as I could. I yanked it open, not even checking who it was. Dylan and Derek stood on our porch wearing big, ugly Christmas sweaters that I could tell were handmade. Derek's blue and black hair had snow sprinkled all over it.

"Come in, come in!" I chirped, stepping aside.

The two boys stepped inside of my cozy home and took off their shoes and mittens. Both of them had presents in their hands, which were concealed in plastic bags in top of the wrapping paper.

Derek came in for a hug and said, "Hey. How's it going?"

I could tell he wasn't just asking normally, he was talking about Owen. How are you and Owen?

"It's going really well," I breathed.

Derek and I stepped away from each other and I stepped towards Dylan. I had to go on my tip-toes just to hug him.

"Thanks for coming," I said.

Dylan said, "Thanks for inviting me."

"Why wouldn't I invite my best friend's boyfriend who will be my friend soon enough?" I asked jokingly.

The doorbell rang again, causing Derek, Dylan, and I to jump. Dylan was the one who opened the door for Adam and Brandon. I squealed, ran past Dylan and Derek, and leaped into Adam's arms.


My big brother chuckled, "Hey baby girl, how's it going?"

Hopping down from Adam's embrace I said, "It's going very well."

Next, I moved onto Brandon and gave a bone-crushing hug. Stepping back I said, "Adam, Brandon, this is Derek and Dylan. Derek, Dylan, this is Adam and Brandon."

The four boys shook hands and did that weird boy hug thing. What is the meaning of hugging a person with one hand? The world may never know.

"It's good to meet you two," Adam said smiling.
Derek smiled as well and said, "It's good to actually meet you too. I saw you at homecoming but I had to leave before I could say hi."

"Okay, now if you all would follow me into the living room." I gestured for the four boys to follow, and I walked down the hall and into the living room. Owen was sitting in the couch and talking with Toby.

"Hey guys!" Toby greeted brightly.

"Boys, most of you have met my younger brother, Toby. I don't think any of you have met Owen, though. Except for Adam. Anyway, this is Owen." I gestured to Owen. "He and I used to go to the same school before I moved here and now he's visiting."


It was finally time to open presents. Many people say they prefer giving, but let's be real, we all like getting the presents more than giving them. Sure, I like getting people presents, but getting them is a lot of fun too.

We drew names to see who would open presents first. The first person would be my mom, which was pretty fitting. The last person was Julia, who had arrived just a little bit ago. Toby's friend, Sam, had just arrived as well.

In our family we don't tell who the presents are from. The opener has to guess. Whoever guesses the most correct gets a prize.

My mom pulled a light blue box with a banana yellow ribbon on top out from under the tree addressed to her. I'm pretty sure it was from Adam, but I'm not sure. Mom being Mom, she very delicately pulled the wrapping off the box and set it to the side. She lifted the top off of the box and gasped. My mom pulled out a necklace with a small diamond heart charm, it was stunning.

"Oh, it's beautiful! I absolutely love it," Mom gushed. She immediately clasped the necklace around her neck, and it looked amazing.

"Who do you think got you the necklace?" I asked.

My mom always won this game, she was good at reading people. She looked at Adam for his tell, which was his lip would curl up in the tiniest of ways on the left side.

"Adam. Adam got me the necklace," she said confidently.


Finally, I was my turn to open presents. So far, my mom was winning.

The first present was a tiny black-and-white polka dotted bag. I tore the tissue paper out and pulled out a small box. I opened it carefully and was taken back by what I saw. A bracelet that had cost at least one hundred dollars was lying inside the box. It was a charm bracelet, exactly like the one I had when I was little.

I had gotten the charm bracelet from my dad before he left us. It was my most prized possession, I wore it everywhere. Until my dad did leave us, I threw it away in anger.

On my new bracelet that was lying in the box, it had four charms. One in the shape of Illinois, one in the shape of a plane, one in the shape of Maine, and one in the shape of a house. I absolutely love it.

"It's beautiful," I finally said, looking up. I knew it was from Owen, it was obvious. "Obviously, it's from Owen."

The next present was in a Christmas tree wrapping paper that looked like a six year old did it. Probably from Toby and his friend Sam. Inside of it were a trilogy of books I had been wanting.

The next one was very neatly wrapped in red wrapping paper. I tore this one open very quickly and inside of it was two dresses I'd been eyeing from Forever 21. This was probably from Derek and Dylan.

From Adam and Brandon I got a scarf, new earrings, and some socks. Weirdly, every year I ask for socks. I love socks.

From Julia I got a few board games and a picture of us from homecoming.


After Dylan, Derek, Sam, and Julia all left Owen and I were sprawled out on the couch eating popcorn. We had just finished watching 'Elf' which was hilarious.

"Hey Coral?" Owen was hanging upside down off the side of the couch. What a goof.

"Are you going to to just call me that now? And what?" I asked, throwing a piece of popcorn at him.

"Yes I am. Also, come here."

"Okay?" I scooted over to the other side of the couch, where Owen was hanging. I pulled him up so he was facing me. "What do you want?"

As quick as lightning, Owen's lips were on mine. After a second of hesitation, I kissed him back. His hand were wrapped around my waist and mine were looped around his neck. Our lips moved in perfect sync.

After what seemed like forever, he pulled away.

"Sorry," Owen breathed.

AN: Because I love you all I made this one a bit longer ;)

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