Chapter 7.

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AN: Trigger warning: There is self-harming in these next few chapters, so if you can't handle that sort of thing then I suggest you don't read them. In no way do I support self-harming, It is just for the story line.  

Back to Cora

*rewind to right after Leo and Derek's argument*

Text message from Julia: Cora get over to my house now! It's urgent!!!

Cora: I'm on my way now!

Quickly, I ran out the door and into my car and drove to Julia's. In my haste I forgot my phone on the couch, hopefully nobody texts or calls me. What the hell could be so urgent? Well, I guess I'll find out.


"Finally!" Julia pulled me into her house and onto the couch.

"What's so urgent?" I asked.

"Leo and Derek got into an argument."

"Jesus Christ, what happened?"

"Well I don't know everything because Leo was the one who told me, but-"

"Just fricking tell me."

"Okay so apparently Leo went over to Derek's to talk to him. Leo didn't tell me why, though."

"I know why," I cut in.


"Derek kissed Leo yesterday after school then Leo ran away, not saying anything."

"Ooooohhhhh that explains, like everything."

"Finish the story."

"Well when Leo got there Derek wasn't happy and thought that Leo hated him. Leo had said he was only surprised about something- probably the kiss -and he didn't hate him. Then Leo had said that he tried to get Derek to look at him by cupping his cheek, and Derek did not like that. Leo then apologized for that and for running away, Derek apologized for something- the kiss -and then Leo kissed him. Finally Leo said sorry again, Derek yelled at him saying- and I quote-,'No, I'm sorry for ever thinking I stood a chance.'"

I sighed, taking it all in. "I assume Derek made Leo go home then."


"Sometimes I want to punch Leo."

Julia laughed and said, "I love him and all, but yeah that kid's got problems." We both died in fits of giggles and laughter.

*Fast forward back to Sunday morning*

I woke up to five texts and three missed calls. All of them were from Leo at around 2:30 am. Did he really think I would answer? Well, I called him back and he answered on the second ring.

"Hello?" The morning voice was evident.

"Why were you calling and texting me at 2:30 am?" I asked confused.

"I couldn't sleep, this whole thing with Derek is really fucking me up."

"It's fucking you up? I called Derek last night and he was sobbing, but told me he was fine! He wouldn't even talk to me! You're seriously dragging him through the pits of hell right now, Leo."

"Look, I'm trying to make it better! I've texted him and called him so many times! He'll read the texts, but he won't respond and it's killing me not to know what's going on inside his head. Usually if something was wrong I'd be the first one he'd tell, now he's shutting me out. I don't want this to ruin our friendship."

"If you didn't want this to ruin anything, then why did you kiss him?"

"Yeah, I know I messed up. I know that I'm an idiot for doing that to him. I don't know why I did, but- wait, how did you know?"


"Of course."

"Do you like me?" I sounded like a second-grader.

"Cora, I really like you. That's why I was so jealous that you could potentially be friends with Christian."

"You still had nothing to be jealous about. Unlike Derek."

"Would you fucking stop? It's not like I can help who I like!"

"I just want you guys to be friends again."

"I'm trying."

"Try harder."

"Holy shit! Derek just texted me!" I could tell Leo was smiling.

"What'd he say?"

"He said,'Leo, I'm sorry for all the shit I've caused you. I'm sorry for liking you. I'm sorry for everything.'"

"I'll leave you to figure out what to say, bye Leo."

"What? No! Bye?"

I ended the call with a sigh. Everything sucks. Now, that was probably a really snooty statement considering that there are people with no food or money. 


"Cora, what are you doing here?" Derek gestured for me to come in.

"I wanted to- wait what's on your arm?" There were scars all up Derek's arms.


"Derek, tell me you haven't been cutting." Derek was silent. "Derek, why?"

"I..It helps. Please don't tell anyone! Cora...I..I can't." Tears were cascading down his face.

"There are better ways to help. Derek, come here," I brought him in for a tight hug.

"Please don't tell anyone."


"Please." There was so much desperation in his voice that made me agree. 

"Promise me you'll never do it again and I won't tell."

"I'll try."


"Fine. I promise."

"If you ever want to do it again please tell me."




"I know we only met a week ago, but you're one of my closest friends and I hurts to see you hurt."

Derek hugged me tighter. It was like he was holding on to me like if he let go, he would die. I hugged him back the same way. 

"Hey, do you want to go see a movie?" I asked. "There's a new Disney movie out."


AN: I love reading comments, so any kind of feedback would be appreciated!


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