Chapter 11.

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Back to Cora

Dear Cora,

I'm going to miss you. The way you smile, the way you laugh, the way you were such an amazing friend. I think I'm in love with you, but your heart belongs to someone else. This isn't your fault. None of it is, even though somehow I always blamed you. I hate always being the happy one, and with you it always seemed I had to be happy. Although, I know that I didn't, you would've been there. Cora, don't upset yourself too much. This is my choice,


My hands were trembling, Leo was going to kill himself. Fuck Fuck Fuck! I whipped out my phone and called Derek. Come on! Answer!


"Derek! Leo's going to kill himself!"

"You got a note, too?"

"Yes, but we need to find him!"

"I'm getting in my car now, I'm on my way with Julia."

"Did she get a note?"


"Fuck fuck fuck, Derek what if it's too late?"

"It's not, We'll find him."

"I hope so. Oh my god..."

I heard a faint car honk from outside. Not even bothering with a jacket, I ran so fast out of my house I was basically the flash. I flew into the backseat of the car, yep, I can fly.

"Where do you think he went?" I asked.

"There's a bridge on the west side of town, and that's where we're heading." Julia said.


We arrived at the bridge to find a jacket on the ground and a final note.

Dear whoever finds this,

I hope your fate wasn't as bad as mine.


I let out a loud scream and fell to the ground sobbing. Julia and Derek were both crying as well.

"WHY HIM?" I screamed. "Please no. PLEASE!"

The scene unfolding in front of me is hard to describe, I'm sitting against the side of the bridge, sobbing my eyes out, Julia was calling someone in tears, and Derek was pacing and muttering something to himself.

Why the hell did it have to be him? Why not me? Leo, no, you can't leave us. Please just tell me it's all a nightmare. Or a joke! I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize a pair of strong arms had picked me up and were now carrying me towards a car. I looked up to find that the strong arms belonged to Christian.

Before I could say something Christian spoke up, "Cora, it's okay, I got you."

"But he's gone. It's my fault."

"Baby, It's not your fault. Come on, we're going to bring you home."

"Please don't take me home."

"Is my house okay?"


I snaked my arms around Christian's neck and buried myself in his chest. I tried to forget everything, all that mattered was that I was safe and in his arms. He had to set me down to open the car and so I could get in, after I was in he climbed in the back with me. One of his buddies, Ethan, was driving.

Both of the boys thought I had fallen asleep and were now talking about me, rude. "What the hell have you gotten yourself into, man?" Ethan asked.

Christian shifted. "What do you mean?"

"Well, this is a lot of baggage right here. Are you really going to go through this with her?"

"Dude, I'm not a player, I'm dating her because I really like her. I'm not just going to break up with her because she's going through a tough time. I mean, I know we're only juniors in highschool but she means a lot to me."

"Damn, I didn't know that she meant that much."

"Yeah, well maybe you would if you could keep a girlfriend."

"Chris, you're a savage."

It made me happier to know that Christian was willing to stand up for me and that he wasn't going to break up with me. Quite honestly I was worried that he was going to end out relationship, I mean Ethan had a point. I'm a lot to deal with. Any other guy wouldn't have come and picked me up, any other guy wouldn't have stood up for me, any other guy would've forced me to go home, I guess Christian was different. A good kind of different.  


I woke up to a rocking. Chris was carrying me across the lawn to go into his house. He gently set me down.

"Cora, come on we're here." He looked at me like I was a three-legged puppy. 

"Stop looking at me like that," I said.

"Like what?"

"Like I'm a three-legged puppy."

"I never said you were a three-legged puppy."

"Yeah, but you looked at me like I was."

"Why are you so snappy?"

"My best friend just died!" How could he not pick that up?

"He didn't seem like your best friend!"

"That was not okay! You could never understand what I'm going through!"

"That's bullshit Cora! I didn't have to come and pick you up today! I didn't have to be there for you! I could've broken up with you!"

"You're right, you could've. But if you did that you'd seem like a douche and you don't want to ruin your perfect image." I ran down the driveway and out on to the street.

You could say I was stupid for running on the street, but the only thing making me run was that I wanted to get away from Chris. Well in that delirium of wanting to get away a car hit me.

AN: Is this too much drama. IDK

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