Chapter 19.

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AN: Here is the chapter! I hope you enjoy it. Also, TSOABH will be updated later tonight. :)


"Okay, what's their ship name?" I asked Derek.

"Chrynn, obviously," He said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"You think so?" I was unsure about that one.

"Yes, because if they break up we can call it Chrynnge, get it?" Derek was laughing at his own joke, and so was I.

In between fits of laughter I said, "That's good."

Suddenly Derek stopped laughing and a serious look captured his face. "Okay, but Christian knows what fanfiction is," He said.

"I heard that and immediately I wanted to scream, 'He's perfect!''

"Yeah, but Chris is right, we should write fanfiction."

I squealed. "OHMIGOSH! Come to my house after school and we can write some!"

"Shit, this is gonna be good."


When the final bell for school to get out I ran out of my class and to my locker. As quick as I could, I piled all my things into my bag, and ran out to my car, to wait for Derek. I had been waiting for ten minutes when door opened and Derek hopped in.

"Took you long enough," I joked.

Buckling himself he said, "The teacher had to talk to me about how I did really well on my book report or something. I don't know, he's crazy."

I started the car and began driving. "Oh, yeah do you have Mr. Uptune?"

"Yeah, he's really old."

I laughed, "Yeah, he's like three-hundred years old know."

"I thought it was four-hundred?" Both of us giggled, and when our giggles subsided we sat in comfortable silence the rest of the way home.

We pulled up into my driveway, but had to stop short because my brother was shooting hoops. I honked the horn at him, causing him to jump, at which Derek and I laughed at. He flipped me off and went inside.

"How old is your brother?" Derek asked.



"He's a little shit."

Derek burst out laughing, unable to contain himself. "What? He is," I said.

"I...It's were so serious!" He managed.


I don't know how our fanfiction writing session turned into us going over to some guy's house. Apparently this 'guy' had been flirting with Derek, so he wanted to go surprise him or something. Being the great wing woman I am, I went with. The reason we came over so suddenly was because the guy texted Derek saying, 'Hey, what are you up to?' Derek's a bit of a devil, and because of that he couldn't resist what he was about to do. He had admitted that he was attracted to the guy, which for some reason he never told me his name.

Derek knocked on the door, which opened after ten seconds. I counted. Standing there was Dylan Holly, he was pretty popular. On the swim team, very fit, basically anything a girl -or guy- would want. Dylan had dark brown, messy, hair. His sea-green eyes had specks of gold and brown in them. His full lips curved into a smile when he saw Derek.

"I'm up to this," Derek said right before pulling Dylan into a heated kiss. I felt like I was intruding, so I slinked away to the car, where I could watch safely. I rolled down the window so I could hear them.

Pulling away, Dylan said, "Wow."

"So, you wanna be my boyfriend?" Derek asked.

"God, yes." Dylan kissed him again before Derek walked back to the car.

Once he was in I said, "I didn't know you had that in you."

"Neither did I," He said.


I got home to find my mom sitting at the counter, crying softly. "What's wrong?" I asked, setting down my backpack.

"Your dad called."

Those three words could cause an apocalypse in this household. In any other household, it would be good news, not for ours. I can't believe he had the nerve to call, what the fuck was his problem? "What did he want?" I spat.

"I don't know sweetie, but please just call him back, he left a number."

"Why the fuck would I do that?" Is she crazy?

"Please." Mom's face shown with desperation.

"Fine," I said.


"Hello?" My dad answered the phone.

I took a deep breath. "H..hi, it's Cora."

"Oh my, you called!"

"Yeah, I did."

"I miss you."


"Excuse me?"

"I said, bullshit. What you said was bullshit, if you missed me you would've thought to call years ago. Hell, you even forgot my birthday, Toby's birthday, Adam's birthday. Did you know that one of my best friends committed suicide a few weeks ago? Did you know that Adam got into an amazing college? Did you know that Toby is a fucking mess right now? Did you even know we moved to Maine? Did you know that my ex cheated on me? Did you know Adam has a boyfriend? Did you know Toby got played by some girl? No, you didn't, because you're a terrible dad. Shit, you're not even a dad. Not to us anyway. You missed everything, every school concert, every school play, every boyfriend, every heartbreak, everything."


"No! You don't get to explain yourself, you had enough time to do so. So tell your other kid I said hi, and your wife hi. Have a good life James." 

AN: Btw I will be starting volleyball practice tomorrow so most updates will be in the morning or early afternoon hopefully. Also starting next Sunday my family is renting a cabin on a lake close by. The cabin has no wifi, but I will try to stick to my schedule. 

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