Chapter 2.

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AN: Chapter twoooooo!!!!! Let's gooooooo!

They both looked at me with horrified stares. "Cora! What are you doing here?" The girl asked in a fake nice voice.

I was fuming, "I could ask you the same thing, Eva." So many emotions were boiling inside of me, anger, frustration, confusion, disappointment, and most of all, sadness. I expected Wells and I were supposed to be together forever. How was I so naive?

"Cora, I'm sorry. Can we please talk?" Wells asked.

"Hmm, let me think....No."


"First of all, you were supposed to pick us up at the airport today, second I find out that you're just sitting at home, and third you weren't just sitting at home you were making out with her!"

"But Cora-"

"We're done Wells."

I flew down the stairs and out the door to shouts from Wells and his mom. I let my feet take me where they wanted to, they knew every part of this town like it was theirs.

I ended up at the beach. It was at this same beach where I had met Wells, he and his family were eating peanut butter and banana sandwiches on wheat bread. My family had been staying with my Aunt that summer, and the beach was where we spent most of our time.

Wells had finished his sandwich and was running along the beach when he bumped into my surfboard.

"I'm so sorry!" I had said.

He had said, "It's alright! I should've been paying attention!"

Then we introduced ourselves and sparks flew instantly. Eventually that spark went out, just like every sparkler and he cheated on me.

"Cora?" My older brother, Adam, asked.

"Adam! How did you know I was here?"

"Wells' mother called us and she said you had ran out of the house. I knew that you came here, I had a feeling." Adam sat down next to me on the sand. "What happened?"

I was crying now. "H...he cheated on me Adam."

"I'm going to-"



"No, Adam."

I took off my necklace and threw it into the ocean. The necklace was a bottle cap with our initials on it. Then I took off my (Wells') sweatshirt and stuffed it in the garbage. I hadn't realized tears were streaming down my face and I was shaking uncontrollably.

"Hey hey hey, it's alright come here," Adam cooed wrapping my small body in a hug. "It's going to be okay baby girl. Shhhh."

I was always closer to Toby. Our age difference helped with that, we were only a year and a half apart, whereas Adam and I were three years apart and he was always with his friends. I remember having the biggest crush on one of his friends, tall, muscular, shaggy blonde hair, and bright blue eyes, what was not to love? Until he came out as gay. Anyways, Toby and I used to have brother-sister sleepovers in our basement. We would tell ghost stories until we were so scared we had to sleep with our mom in her king bed. Sometimes Adam would join us, but that was before he thought he was too old for ghost stories, Disney movies, princess blankets, and worst of all, his siblings. Instead while Toby and I were being kids he was playing stupid video games with his friends, playing basketball at the neighborhood park, and going swimming in our pool. Adam and his friends even made a sign that said "No kids under the age of 10 allowed in the pool!" I remember finally being ten and being able to swim in the pool, but I never did, I waited until Toby was ten. Of course we could swim in the pool, but the sign was for when Adam had his friends over.

"Everything's not going to be okay, Adam," I said sniffing.

"Why not?" Adam asked looking at me.

"You're going off to college, the only person I know at that school besides Wells is the girl he cheated on me with, and I'll see Toby but we aren't as close as we were when we were younger."

"Oh baby girl." His expression softened. "The college is only an hour away, I'll come see you every weekend."

"Pinkie promise?" Pinkie promises were the only thing about Adam and I that he kept doing and wasn't embarrassed. I held out my pinkie and he looped his through mine.

"Pinkie promise," Adam said smiling.



"Thank you."

"Of course baby girl."

Adam squeezed my shoulders and stood up, walking away. I collected my thoughts, got up and left as well. I jogged back home taking the long route to avoid people.

AN: Did you like it? Please leave feedback, thanks, love you guys! 

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