Chapter 5.

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AN: Woot Woot. Alright here ya gooooooo

"Hey, It's okay, you can tell me," I rubbed soothing circles along Derek's back.

"I kissed Leo."

"Well, that was unexpected."


Did I just say that aloud?

"Nevermind. What even happened?"

"Well, It was right after you left school today. Leo and I were sitting on a bench waiting for our parents to pick us up. I got lost in his eyes and before I knew it, my lips were on his. Leo was shocked at first, but pulled away when he realized what was happening. Luckily for him, his mom showed up right at that moment, so he didn't have to deal with an awkward conversation."

Well damn. Leo? "So are you crying because he left and didn't say anything?" I asked.

"Well...y..yeah and that I...I him," Derek said hiccuping. His black beanie was almost falling off his head, so I fixed it for him. "T...Thanks."

I smiled and said, "You should tell him. It helps, plus maybe he likes you back."

"How could he? I'm such a disgrace! I just went and kissed my best friend! Who, not to mention, didn't respond, and when he did, he pulled away!"

"You are not a disgrace!"

"Well he still doesn't like me."

"You wouldn't know unless you told him."

"That's not true."

"How do you know?" I furrowed my eyebrows at the boy sitting beside me. Maybe Leo had a, that couldn't be right. He would've told us, right?

Derek sighed, "How could you not see it? He likes you, Cora. It's so fucking obvious! Do you not realize how he 'accidentally' brushes his hand against yours' when you're walking in the halls? Or how his smile is brighter around you? Or how he spends more time talking to you then his friends he's known since kindergarten?"

"Derek..." I hugged Derek tightly, who had began crying again and was now shaking.

"Cora, you can leave. I heard your phone buzz, it's a Friday night. Go have fun."


"Seriously, go and have fun."

"Are you sure?" I rubbed his shoulders supportively.

"Yes! I'll be okay!"

"Just text me if you need me, okay?"

"I will."

The text was from Julia. She wanted to know if I wanted to go with her to a party. I told her to pick me up at my house in thirty minutes. Once I got home I quickly changed and fixed my makeup.

I walked into the living room and said, "Hey Mom?"

"Yeah hun?" She asked turning around facing me. "Why are you all dressed up?" I was only wearing over ripped jeans and a low cut black top with combat boots.

"Is it okay if I go with Julia to a party?" I asked.

"Yes, but be careful. Don't get back at a crazy hour, either."

"I won't."

"Have fun and be safe!"

I heard a car horn honk outside, that must be Julia. As quick as I could, I grabbed my purse, slipped on my jacket, and ran outside.


I think I drank too much. The room was spinning. I might have kissed someone. I have no clue where Julia went. Currently I am sitting on a couch with a boy from my biology class. I think his name is Chris?

"Cora?" He asked.

"Yeeessssss?" I replied over-happily.

"Do you need me to take you home?"

"Yeaaahh, butwhat'syournameeee?"


I was close.

Christian took me home, we had a conversation, which I don't remember. It was around 2am when I finally laid down in bed. I fell into a dreamless sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Waking up was hell. I had a major hangover and my headache was killing me. My mouth was dry and tasted like cheap alcohol. There was a glass of water on the table, which I gratefully gulped down.  The clock read 11:55 am. Shit. I have to meet Leo today for a school project. In five minutes.  I hopped out of bed, resulting in the room spinning, pulled on some running shorts, a t-shirt, flip-flops, and my sunglasses. No time for makeup. Or hair. Whatever. 


"You look terrible," Leo said. 

"Thanks," I said sitting down at the table.

"What happened last night?" Leo leaned back in his chair.

"Might've accidentally got wasted."

"Did you and Julia go to that party?"

"Yeah. I don't remember much, but I remember that I did not go home with Julia."

"Who'd you go home with then?"

"A guy from my biology class, his name was Christian."

Leo's eyes narrowed and his eyebrows scrunched together. "That douche? Did he try anything? If he did I'm going to-"

"Leo, Leo, Leo. One, he's not a douche and two, he didn't try anything. He just took me home."


"Don't whatever  me. What's wrong Leo?"

"Well he is a douche! I don't want you being friends with him!"

"You CANNOT and you WILL NOT tell me who I can be friends with! Why are you so jealous? You already have a nice person who likes you!"

"Who?" Leo was whispering now.

"Fucking Derek. Why else would he kiss you?"

Leo's eyes widened and his mouth formed the perfect o.  "How did you know?"

"Um, Derek called me crying yesterday. He thought you hated him."

"God dang-it. I was shocked! Okay?"

"Go talk to him, before I call him and force you to talk to him."

"Okay okay! I'm going! Meet me at my house tomorrow at noon to actually work on the project."

"Kay bye."

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