Chapter 35. (Final chapter)

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AN: This is the last chapter! Sorry to stop this quite abruptly but I honestly don't really enjoy writing this anymore. There will be a short epilogue chapter posted today or tomorrow, and then I'll be focusing on my other book, Destiny. So if you haven't checked that one out yet, go ahead!


Maybe Owen and I weren't supposed to end up together. After all this back and forth, I think I made the right decision. There were more important things than just one boy. Sure, Owen was pretty fucking important to me, but I can't do this anymore.

"Cora?" Someone said, interrupting my thoughts.

"Who goes there?" I asked in a fake-playful tone.

Toby appeared at my bedroom door and laughed, "Your worst nightmare."

"Hah-hah. Very funny," I said sarcastically.

"I know, I'm hilarious."

All the sudden I got a splitting pain in my head, like a migraine but ten times worse. I fell off my bed, hitting my head, making the pain worse. I passed out almost immediately.


Shit shit shit!

"Cora?!" I ran over to her limp body and scooped her up, instantly taking off for the car.

Fuck, I can't drive.

I grabbed my phone and called Derek. He picked up on the fourth ring. "Hello?" Sounds of moving could be heard in the background.

"Hey, Derek, it's me Toby. Cora's hurt, can you drive us to the hospital?" I inquired.

"Shit, uhhh, yeah I'll be right there." He hung up the phone, and I shrugged my coat and hat on while waiting for him.

Five minutes later he got here, and I sprinted out with Cora in my arms. Derek helped me get in her in the car and as soon as I was in we were off.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Derek asked.
I ran my hands through my hair, "I hope so. One sec, I have to call my mom."


The doctor emerged from Coralynn's room with a grim look. Oh god.

"So I have some bad news," He started.

"Get on with it!" Mom said.

"Well looks like the pain was caused by a brain tumor on the left side of her brain. Due to us knowing about this tumor very late, we cannot do much about it."

I almost choked, "Wait, are you telling us..."

The doctor frowned, "Coralynn isn't going to survive tonight, I'm very sorry."

Mom was crying, as was Derek. I was holding back tears. "I'll call Adam," I said, leaving the waiting room.

Before I called Adam, I practically sprinted to the bathroom. Once in there I turned on a sink and splashed water in my face. I turned off the sink and sat down on the bathroom floor, crying.


Brandon dipped his head down and connected his lips to mine. The kisses were heated and messy, but they were perfect. I pushed him onto his bed and straddled him. I tugged his shirt off before re-connecting our lips. I was fumbling with his belt buckle when my phone rang.

"Fuck," I breathed. "Sorry, one minute."

I slid off Brandon and padded over to my phone and picked up the phone. "Hello?" I asked.

"Adam, you need to come home, now," What I could tell was Toby said.

"Everything okay?" Brandon asked in the background.

I shrugged and said to Toby, "Why? I was in the middle of something."

"I hate to tell you like this, but our sister's dead."

What? She can't be dead! There's no way.

"What?" I choked out.

"Come home, Adam."

"I'm leaving now."

I hung up, tears streaming down my face.

"Babe, what happened?" My boyfriend slipped on his shirt and walked over to me. He entertained his hands with mine.

I collapsed into his arms saying, "Cora, she's...she's dead, Brandon."

I didn't hear what he said next but I'm pretty sure he was comforting me. The next thing I knew I was being pulled down the two flights of stairs, outside, and into Brandon's car.

He started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot, being careful on the icy roads. He had one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding my hand. "It's going to be okay," he whispered.

Angry tears rolled town my dad as I said, "No it's not, I was never there for her! I was a terrible big brother, I excluded her from everything when we were kids! I treated her like shit, and all she did was be nice to me."

This time my voice was small, "I never got to say goodbye."

"I love you," he breathed.

That's all I needed, something to focus on. So I focused on Brandon. "I love you more."

I focused on his sky blue eyes. On his slightly wrinkled shirt, on his messy hair, on his little heart tattoo, on his slight smile, on him. Maybe he wasn't perfect, but he was my kind of perfect.

Soon enough I had drifted off to sleep, my last thought being about Brandon.

AN: so this story has been an adventure, when I started I didn't think o would even get 100 reads but here I am getting nearly 1k! Thank you all for your support and I hope you enjoyed ❤️

The epilogue will be short, 300-500 words, and it'll come out today or tomorrow.

Love you all!


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