Chapter 24.

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AN: Hello my lovely readers! Before we get into the chapter I have three things to say:

1. 600 reads!!! 

2. (Okay so maybe I didn't have a second thing.)

3. This chapter switches perspective a few times, so be prepared!


Things have changed to say the least. It's been two weeks since the school's cutest couple broke up, and a new and less cute couple emerged. I found myself missing Leo each day, more than the last. Cora, well she was doing okay. At least, that's how it seemed. She kept a smile on her face and her chin up high, as if nothing was wrong. As if, nothing happened.

Something did happen, you could tell the smile was fake by looking in her eyes. Her eyes shown with grief, regret, sadness, and frustration. About what, no one knew. It had something to do with the red-haired boy. Something to do with that freckled, emerald eyed, button nosed, boy.

As for me, I haven't been focusing on my love life. I've been neglecting Dylan, which I feel terrible about. It's hard to juggle grades, drama, depression, friends, and a boyfriend all at once. Dylan says he understands, but everytime I come up with a new excuse, his smile fades even more than it has. His smile that once lit up any room he was in, now it was all frowns and neutral expressions. I missed that smile.

Suddenly my phone rang and I checked the caller ID; it was Dylan.

"Hello?" I asked into my phone.

"Derek, hi, it's me. Can you please meet me right outside of your house, I'm here," Dylan said hurriedly.

Here for what?

"Um, okay, I'll be right out."

"Okay, sweet, bye."

What the heck?

Quickly, I slipped on my winter coat, boots, and some mittens, before I walked out into the cold, late December snow. Dylan was leaning up against his car in the driveway, rubbing his hands together. He should've brought mittens. I half-walked-half-jogged to him, trying not to seem as worried as I was.

Slowing down to a stop in front of the sea-green eyed boy I said, "Hey, what's up?"

Dylan's stare turned into an icy cold glare. "We need to talk," He said, his words practically dripping with venom.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked, stepping closer to the fuming boy.

"What's wrong? My own boyfriend has been ignoring me for two and a half weeks! I tried to understand, and I tried to put your feelings before mine, but this isn't fair anymore. I'm a real person with real feelings and I don't think you understand that," Dylan pushed me lightly, causing me to take a step back.

Tears were beginning to form and my eyes were stinging, "I know I haven't been treating you well, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for blowing you off countless times, I'm sorry for not calling back, I'm sorry for not answering your texts, and most importantly, I'm sorry that you had to deal with this. But please, please don't break up with me. I need you."


"No, I...I get it-"

"Let me finish. Derek, I like you, a lot. I don't want to breakup with you, but I don't want to be forgotten. Call me needy, but it's just because I care. You don't have to shut me out, I'm here for you and you can tell me anything."

I sighed gratefully, "Okay. I promise to not ignore you, ever again."

Before I could register what was happening, a pair of cold, full lips were on mine. I kissed Dylan back carefully and cautiously, whereas he was kissing me roughly, and passionately. The need for air is what caused us to pull apart.

"Yeah?" Dylan breathed.



Everyone hates me. I'm a terrible friend. Why did I have to do this? Cora won't even acknowledge me anymore, Derek won't even look at me, the whole school thinks I'm a bitch. Which, to be completely honest, wasn't far off. Even Chris, who is now my boyfriend, rarely talks to me. I'm starting to think he was lying about his feelings for me.

But why would he do that?

About three weeks earlier

"Julia." I turned my head in the direction I heard my name, and to my surprise, Christian was standing behind me.

"What?" I asked, looking up at the other green-eyed boy I knew. The other was Dylan.

"Maybe I'm stupid and God forgive me, but I have to do this." Just then Chris leaned in and kissed me. It wasn't the best kiss, but it definitely wasn't the worst. His lips tasted of vanilla and lemons.

Back to present day

I thought he was in love with Cora, but apparently not.


Everything is fine. I don't care that Chris dumped me for my ex-best friend and that I miss Owen like crazy.

Oh, who am I kidding?

Everyday it gets harder and harder to walk into our huge highschool. Everyday it gets harder to see them, together. Everyday it gets harder to not talk to Owen.

I want to love Owen back, I really do, but I can't fucking get over Chris. It's stupid, I'm stuck up on a guy who doesn't even like me, much less love me, when there is a perfectly nice guy who does love me. But as much as I try, I can't force myself to love Owen Fletcher. I can't love the red-haired, goofball, I've known since kindergarten.

Not anytime soon. Maybe one day, but not now.

AN: Ummmmmmmm. 


Don't kill me. 

Sorry for all the Owen lovers.


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