Chapter 17.

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Warning: Minor suggestive behavior. (No smut)

Adam (Ooh yas college boiiii)

"What do you hope?" I asked, walking into the living room.

"Nothing," Cora and Brandon said together. They were hiding things. But what? I'll just ask Brandon in the car.


It was dark outside of town, I could see so many stars. A warm hand grazed my knee, giving me goosebumps, I looked over to see Brandon's hand resting on my knee. "I love you, you know?" He said, looking straight ahead at the road.

I choked. He loved me? My head pounded, I could feel sweat coming on. I...I thought that he would never love me.

The boy squeezed my knee, causing another wave of electricity through my body. "Hey, it's okay if you don't love me yet, I get that it's quite soon, but I'm completely sure. I-"

"Babe, I love you too," I said, somehow regaining my voice.

" do?" Brandon sounded ecstatic. He pulled over the car and looked to me.

"I...I do. I do love you."

"You're just saying that."

"Why would I just say something like that? God, Brandon I love you okay?"

He smiled, "Okay." He turned his gaze back to the road, "You ready to go?"

"One more thing." In one swift movement I swung myself over Brandon, so I was straddling him. Before he could say anything I encaptured him in passionate kiss. I tangled my hands in his soft, red hair. His were resting on my waist. I deepened the kiss and fought his tongue for dominance, I won. A soft moan escaped Brandon's lips. Finally the need to breathe took over and I had to pull away. We were both panting and taking in big breaths at a time. Before he could fully recover from the kiss I started kissing his neck. I searched for his sweet spot, and when I found it I sucked on it lightly.

The red haired boy whimpered, "P...please."

I stopped kissing his neck and pulled away. "As much as I would like to, I don't think our first time together would be that great in a car," I said awkwardly.

Brandon laughed and said, "You're right, but you turned me on."

I raised my eyebrows at him, this could be fun.


By the time we got back to campus it was around 2 am. Throughout the whole ride I teased Brandon, he wasn't very happy about that so he just went back to his dorm.
He never said I couldn't come with. I knocked on the door, at which I heard two people groaning. Probably Brandon and his roommate, wondering who the hell was at the door. When he opened the door, shock registered on his face. "I thought I said I wanted to be alone," He said.

"You said you were going to your dorm. Never said I couldn't come," I smiled cheekily.

"Fine, come on," Brandon walked to his bed
and I followed, closing the door behind you.

"You guys better not do anything," His
roommate, Justin said.

I laughed, "We won't."

I slipped into Brandon's bed, to be pulled close to him. He rested his head on my chest, while I had my arms wrapped around his torso. Our legs were tangled together.

"Goodnight babe," I whispered.

"Goodnight Adam, I love you," He whispered back.

"Love you too."

We fell asleep in each other's arms. God, I think I'm going to marry this guy someday.

I hope Cora's okay. From what I heard this past month has been hard. Her best friend had just died, she got hit by a car. At the homecoming game, she didn't have crutches, she had a walking cast, which I suppose would be easier to dance in. Pff, what do I know? What time is it? 5:30 am. Go back to sleep, you can still sleep.

I looked down to where Brandon was sleeping soundly. I kissed his forehead and drifted back to sleep.


I'm on top of a mountain. I can see everything, my mother's house, what I presume is the high school, I can even see campus in the far distance. I looked down, I was cradling a red-haired boy. It wasn't just a redhead, it was Brandon. He looked like he was sleeping. But then I saw a big read spot on his shirt, I lifted the shirt and blood was coming fast from his chest. I let out an inhuman sound, Brandon was dying.

"No! Brandon don't leave me!"

Suddenly the dream changed and I was back at home with Cora, she was crying. "He...he's gone and it's all my fault." She said.

"No it's not," I said.

"Yes it is! Can't you see! I had to go and ruin everything by dating Christian! I rubbed it in his face!" Cora's cries were more frequent and loud now.

I jerked awake, that dream felt really real. Maybe too real.

AN: Oooookay I'm in a car on the way home from tubing and I had forgotten I had to post this. Then I remembered and here we are! Okay bye guys,


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