Chapter 28.

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AN: Sorry that it sucks. School is killing me. Well, besides the fact we won our volleyball game yesterday 😂

Owen? How did you get here?" I asked, with a tiny bit of anger. Somehow he turns up at the weirdest times.

"Well, I told you that you could visit me during Christmas break, but you made it clear you couldn't. I decided that I would save you the trouble and come here instead," The redhead said bashfully.

A few girls 'awwed' at Owen's reasoning, but I rolled my eyes. Did he not get the message?
"There was a reason I couldn't come, but whatever. Anyway, how did you get here. In this house?" I asked, completely ignoring all the questions being asked by the fellow party goers.

However, on stuck out to me, "Who the hell is this? And why is he here in my house?" It was Christian.

Many 'yeah''s could be heard.

Owen spoke up once things quieted down, "I'm Owen, Cora's e-"

"Friend, I'm his friend," I interrupted.

"Yeah, anyway, I live in Chicago and I'm visiting for Christmas break. I was told Cora was here, which she is."

Just then Derek, who was on my left, whispered in my ear, "He obviously didn't plan this."

He was right. Owen never told me he was coming, I'm not prepared for a visitor, much less him. I don't even want him here. I'm still not completely over Chris yet, and that happened awhile ago. On the other hand, I get that I confused him. I kissed him, but said we couldn't be together.

Owen slowly walked over to the circle of people, plopping down behind me. He whispered in my ear, "I'm really sorry. I didn't realize that I would cause this. I'm sorry."

I pretend I don't hear him and say to the group, "We might as well continue the game."

"Okay, it was my turn and I dared Cora to make out with any of the guys in the room," Ethan said. He turned to me, "So, are you gonna do it?"

"Well I have to, it's a dare."

I felt Owen's arms wrap around my waist protectively. He pulled me into his lap saying, "She's not making out with anyone."

Ethan sighed, "Dude, it's for a dare, it's not like she actually likes the guy. Jeez, you don't need to get your panties in a knot."

This made Owen angrier, he hugged me closer to his chest- if that was even possible -and said, "No. She's not making out with any guy. Or girl."

Finally, I spoke up, "I'm sorry, but yeah, I am. Ethan, come on." I gestured for Ethan to come closer. If I was going to make out with anyone, it should be the person who dared me to.

The dark brown haired boy furrowed his eyebrows but then his eyes lit up in understanding. He scooched over with his lips drawn into a smirk. As soon as he was close enough he leaned in and our lips connected.

Everything was silent.

Ethan's lips moved expertly against mine, as if he'd done this a million times, which he probably has. His lips tasted like sea salt and were soft.

I was still sitting in Owen's lap, and I could feel him shift uncomfortably.

Some other people were whooping and whistling.

I finally pulled away with a small smile on my face. I can't deny that Ethan was an amazing kisser, but there was no chemistry. Looking back at Owen, I saw that his face has completely gone red and he was fuming.

"I'm sorry," I whispered to him.

"It's okay," he whispered into my hair, as if a switch had been turned off and he was okay again.

"Coralyyyyyynn, it's yourrrrr turn!" Derek exclaimed.

I laughed before saying, "Okay, Derek, truth or dare?"


Owen came home with me and slept on our couch. Probably not the nicest thing I've done, but there is no way he's sleeping in my bed. Hashtag sorry not sorry.

That next morning I woke up to someone whispering in in my ear. "-on I'm lonely."

I rolled over and mumbled, "What?"

Owen was standing over me with a goofy grin plastered on his face. "I said, get up, come on I'm lonely."

I swatted at his face playfully, "But I'm sleeping." I faked snoring for the effect.

The boy lifted me up, swung me over his shoulder, and said, "Not anymore!"

I shrieked, "Owen! Put me down right now!"

Owen didn't listen and walked down the stairs with me swung over his shoulder. When we finally got into the living room he threw me onto the couch.


You know what's even more rude? Straddling someone and tickling them. Well, that's what Owen did.

"Owen...Fletcher! Knock it off!" I managed in between laughs.

All at once the tickling stopped and Owen's face became serious. He was looking over my head, so I craned my neck to see what he was looking at.

It was Toby standing in the doorway, with an aggravated expression on his face

Next update should be within a week!

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