Chapter 29.

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AN: It's a bit of a crappy chapter, but I couldn't find the time to actually sit down for a few hours and actually write. 


Being caught tickling Cora in a mildly sexual position was not my intention.

Right now I'm leaning up against one of the kitchen counters, waiting for Toby to say something. He brought me into the kitchen, wanting to talk although I'm not quite sure about. He for sure looked angry or at least annoyed at Cora and I, but honestly I don't really understand why. I was just tickling her, what was the problem?

Toby, after what seemed like hours, spoke up, "As you can probably tell, I'm not thrilled about what I saw back there."

I scoffed, "No dip, but why are you so mad? I was just tickling her, we were having fun."

"You were going to kiss her, I could tell."

Blood rushed to my cheeks. How did he know that? "So what if I was?"

"So what? She's been cheated on three guys, not to mention you were one of them. Excuse me if I'm a bit protective," Toby spat, his eyes glaring holes into me.

"That was nearly three years ago, that's not even fair! You don't even know what the fuck even happened, did Cora ever tell you?" I didn't realize it at first, but I was saying the last sentence just to hurt him. It was a dick move, I know, but I couldn't help it.

Toby's voice was small and soft, "Oh."

"I...I'm sorry, that wasn't nice-"

" you were right. She never did tell me what actually happened."

"I'm not going to to tell you the whole story, it would take too long, but I will tell you being kissed by that senior girl was definitely not how I wanted that night to go."

"Why are you here?"

" 'Cause I love her. And I know she loves me back, she's just scared. She doesn't want to do long-distance, and neither do I but I'd do it for her."

"She loves you? You love her?" Cora's younger brother was puzzled, I could tell by his furrowed eyebrows and frown.

"I...I guess seeing her for the first time in a few years reopened the feelings I thought I forgot. I also guess that I don't completely know if she loves me, but I know she at least likes me. If she would just say those three words, I would drop everything for her. I would make a whole new schedule just so I could talk to her everyday, I would fly out here every weekend if I had to, as soon as highschool is over I'll move here. All she has to do is say it."

Toby smiled and said, "Why don't you tell her that? Lay your heart out on the line, go all out. I'm not much of a ladies' man but you could buy her flowers, or maybe some chocolate?"

"What if she rejects me?" That one question is was had been haunting my thoughts and dreams. It's what keeps me up at night. I hate rejection, it's one of my many flaws. When Cora said we couldn't be together, I didn't talk to any of my friends back home for a few days. It was terrible.

"It's part of life, but if you're meant to be it'll turn out just fine." With that Toby gave me a pat on shoulder then left the kitchen, leaving me with my thoughts.

That was interesting.

Maybe Toby is right.

Maybe Coral loves me back.


Where did that last thought come from?

Flashback (3rd Person POV)

"Hi, my name is Coralynn!" The little brown-haired girl said excitedly.

A shy redhead named Owen peeked out behind his mother's legs and said, "Hi Coral! I'm Owen."

Coralynn giggled, "No, silly, my name is Coralynn. Not Coral!"

"O...oh, but that's hard to say. From now on I'm gonna call you Coral," Little Owen said tapping his chin.

"Okay! It can be my-" Coralynn turned to her mom. "What do you call it?"

Coralynn's mom, Maria smiled. "A nickname, sweetie."

"It can be my nickname!" Coralynn exclaimed turning back to Owen.

Flashback Over (Owen's POV)

How did I even remember that nickname? That was the first day of kindergarten, and I can barely remember what I had for supper last week. Would Cora even remember? Maybe I should call her that, it could be funny.

Cora's POV

When Owen came back into the living room, he called me something funny. Coral. It sounds so familiar, but where is it from?

"It's from the first day of kindergarten," Owen said while picking his nails.

That explains it.

"How do you still remember that?" I asked in wonder.

Owen shrugged and said, "Maybe I'm magical."

AN: I know it sucks, but I'm trying 😖😘😁

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