Chapter 21.

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AN: Hello lovelies, it is I, Kaylee. Okay anyways, here's the chapter.

(Don't kill me)

Warm tears fell down my face when I heard the news, Dad was back. Or, as I called him, James. He was at my house. With my family. Probably eating my food. How I found out? My mother. The minute I got off the plane I got a call from her, she asked where I was, then told me James was here.


When I walked into the house at 8:30, it was full of strangers. My dad, who I assumed was his wife, and who I assumed was my step-brother were all sitting on the couch.

The family was picture perfect, except when you looked closer. The boy had snake bite piercings, his long-sleeve shirt had a band name on it, which I've never heard of, his blond hair was dyed night-sky blue in some spots. Acne dotted his face in some places. The woman had what was the beginning of wrinkles, her smile was forced, her light brown hair was graying. My dad's own hair was graying as well. He looked worried, his dark eyebrows pulled together.

My dad forced a smile, "Coralynn."

I sat down my bag and said, "Hello."

"This is my wife, Susannah. And this is your step-brother, Ayden," He said gesturing to Susannah and Ayden.

"Where's Mom and Toby?" I asked.

Susannah spoke up, "They went to fetch your other brother."

Fetched? What the heck? "Adam?"

"Yes, now please come sit down, we want to talk to you," My dad said.

I sighed and sat down on the couch next to Ayden. "What do you want James?"

Susannah gasped, my dad looked taken aback, and Ayden just looked amused. "What did you just call him?" Susannah asked.

"James. That's his name, isn't it?" I asked innocently.

My dad's wife glared at me and muttered, "Brat."

I breathed, "Bitch."

"Coralynn Andrews! Don't call your stepmom that!" My dad exclaimed.

"She's not my stepmom, and you're not my dad! I don't fucking care if it was you who got Mom pregnant. You were never my dad, if you wanted to maybe you shouldn't have ran off and married her." I stood up and stormed up to my room.

After a few minutes I heard a lift knock on my door. "Who is it?" I asked from my bed.

"Ayden!" He called through the door.

I sighed, "Come in."

The blonde-haired boy entered my room and walked towards me timidly. "Hey, I'm sorry about my mom. You have every right to be angry, at our dad, at my mom, at me."

I smiled, "I'm not mad at you, this isn't your fault. Of course, I'm jealous of you. James missed everything in my life, while he was paying attention to you and Susannah. He didn't even send a card, Ayden. Never called, never emailed, nothing." Once tear rolled down my face, which I wiped away quickly.

Ayden sat by me on the bed and rubbed my shoulders. "I don't get it, but I know that it sucks. And I'm sorry that I took all of his time. I didn't even know you existed until last week."

"I don't think he did, either."


When Adam got home the house was filled with screaming. Adam hated our dad the most. He wanted nothing to do with him so when he was done yelling, Adam took refuge in my room.

Right now he's sitting on my desk chair and I'm on sitting up against the back of my bed. "Do you know how long they're staying?" Adam asked.

"I thought Mom said until Sunday." It was Wednesday night.

Adam frowned, "I should've brought Brandon."

"So, how many classes are you missing?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Two. I don't have class tomorrow and on Friday there's only two classes."

"That's good."

"Yeah, so anyway I heard to went to Chicago."

"Yeah, I visited Owen. I needed to get out of here for a day."

"Two things, why Owen? I thought he cheated on you in ninth grade. Second, why did you need to leave?"

"Owen because I was dick and I never forgave him. I left because Chris broke up with me. You're the only one who knows besides Julia."

"Why does Julia know?"

"I'm just assuming because Chris broke up with me because he liked her, not me."

Adam said, "Oh. I'm sorry." Then he sat back in the chair and sighed. Adam's dark brown hair was in a tousled mess on top of his head, he kept running his hands through it. His eyebrows were furrowed together and his lips were set in a frown. He whipped out his phone and started typing.

He finally spoke again, "Chris and I are going to have nice chat."

"When? It's already pretty late."

"Tomorrow after your school gets out."

I smiled, "Don't kill him."

Adam chuckled, "No promises."


As soon as I got to school I went straight to Derek and explained everything to him. He stuck by me all morning except when we didn't have classes together, like in third period. Third period I had with Julia and Chris.

Word had gotten around that Chris and I were broken up, especially when I wasn't at school yesterday.

I sat in the back of the classroom, by myself. Soon after I had sat down, Julia and Chris walked in. When they saw me, their expressions immediately changed to guilt. I didn't notice that they were holding hands until they let go. I did notice that Chris was holding Julia's books. I did notice that his smile faded when he saw me, as did Julia's.

Both teens sat diagonal from where I was. Chris was sitting on the end, which made it easier for him to block Julia from me. He looked over to me and gave me a sad look. I kept a neutral look on mine, even though I wanted to break down right there, and looked away.

Throughout class I caught Julia and Chris staring at me multiple times. Every time, it was the same expression, sadness. It was their fault, I don't why they were sad. I was supposed to be the sad one.

Class droned on and on for what felt like forever. When the bell signaling lunch finally rang, I sprung out of my seat. Before I could get far in the hall, someone spun me around.

Owen stood there in the crowded halls, holding me I place. "Cora?" He asked.

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