Chapter 1.

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AN: Hiiiiiiiiiiiii! Okay, so here is the first chapter! I am super excited that I worked up the guts to post this on Wattpad.

Anyways enjoy, love you! -Kaylee <3

I finally got what I wanted, my small family was moving to Maine. 'Why Maine?' you ask, well that's where my boyfriend lives. I would finally get to see him on a daily basis, I would finally get to kiss him every day, I would finally get to hold his hand, I would finally be able to really call him mine.

I packed all my things in one night, I was so excited to leave. All my precious things were kept with me, like my necklace he had given me or his sweatshirt I 'stole' when I visited. I wore that sweatshirt and necklace almost every day, it was like I had him with me. My friends had always teased me and not believed me, but ever since they met him a year ago they shut up.

The day we left I was so anxious, I bounced in my seat on the car ride to the airport, and on the plane. The flight attendant had asked me multiple times if I was alright, I was that bad.

"Stop shaking Cora! You're distracting me!"

"I can't help it, Toby."

Toby was my little brother. "Then I'll help it!" He said. Toby grabbed my shoulders and held them still. "Think about Wells in your own time, not when I'm trying to read."



I practically ran off the plane. The running was for nothing, he wasn't there. The disappointment showed on my face. Wells had said he would be there when we landed.

"Hey, it's alright. We can drop you off at his house," My mom said. Her and my two brothers wrapped me in a hug.


My mom dropped me off at Wells' house so I could see him. I knocked on his door eagerly.

"Coralynn! How are you?" His mom cooed.

"I'm alright. Do you know where Wells is?"

"He's upstairs with a friend, go ahead up there."

"Thank you."

I ran up the stairs two at a time and almost tripped multiple times. Curse my average legs. I burst into the room expecting Wells to be with his friend, Hunter, but what I saw was way worse. Wells was making out with a girl, not to mention that girl was not me.

Yes yes yes, I know this one was short, but I promise to make the next ones way longer!

 Okay byeeeeeeeee

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