Chapter 9.

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AN: Wow two updates in a day?? I know right! You can thank lillye5486

We had been driving for twenty minutes now. I realized that Christian had multiple Taylor Swift albums about ten minutes into the drive and immediately popped one in. We danced and sang along for the whole drive and before I knew it we had arrived at our mystery destination. It was a river that had a picnic blanket set up on the side of it. There was a picnic basket with sandwiches, lemonade, a container of strawberries, and some chips.

"Sorry, it's not much," Christian said sitting down.

I sat down next to him and said, "Are you kidding me? This is perfect!"

"Really? I don't really go on dates."

"That's surprising."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you're like, really popular and you always have girls practically hanging off you. I don't mean that you're a player, I just mean girls really seem to like you, so I just assumed that- you know what? I'm rambling" I blushed a deep scarlet and hid my face in my hands. Strong hands pulled my own hands off my face and intertwined them with their own.

AN: Was that confusing?

I looked up into Christian's emerald eyes and smiled. He returned the smile and squeezed my hands. He then pulled out the sandwiches and said, "Ready to eat?"

"Like you wouldn't believe. School lunches aren't very filling."


After we ate we walked along the river hand in hand, talking about random things like our favorite ice cream flavors (his was rocky road.) He took me to the top of a hill that overlooked the east side of the town. I could see my house from here, I could see Derek's house, too. I pointed to my house. "That's my house."

Christian pointed to a house about a block away from mine. "That one's mine." The house was pretty big, but not like over-the-top big. It was light blue.

"Hey Cora?"


"I like you, like, like-like you."

"You like-like me? You sound like a child."

"Shut up. But seriously, I like you."

"I like you too Christian."

"You do?"

"Yeah, you idiot."

Christian looked at me with those beautiful eyes for what seemed like forever. His green eyes had specks of gold in them that popped in the sunset. We stared at each other for a long time before I said, "Just kiss me, godammit." He laughed and kissed me. His lips were soft and tasted like lemons and vanilla. He kissed me cautiously, as if not to hurt me. I smiled into the kiss before pulling away. 

"I'm happy Derek convinced me into going on this date," I laughed.

"What do you mean?"

"I was supposed to hang out with him today, but he convinced me into going on a date with you. I haven't had much of a social life these past few weeks, so he really wanted me to go."

"Oh, well then I'm happy he convinced you too." Christian wrapped an arm around my shoulders and held me close. "I've never met anyone like you, Cora."


"Hello?" Derek picked up the phone excitedly.

"Hey Derek, I just got home from my date."

"Well? How'd it go?"


"Come on, you gotta give me more then that."

"He kissed me."

"WHAT? Is he good? Is he bad? Did you kiss him? How long was it?"

"First of all, yes it was good. Second, I had to tell him to kiss me because he's a bit oblivious. And third, I don't know how long it was."

"O.M.G. this is so awesome!"

"Yeah, I guess so."


I realize now that I have no clue if Christian and I are dating or not. We kissed once and went on a date, so does that mean we are? I honestly do not know whatsoever. I guess I'll have to suck it up and ask him.

When I arrived at school everyone was staring at me. Did they all know what happened? I walked past all the people to where Christian was sitting with all his friends. "Hey Chris?" All eyes turned to me.

"Hey, Cora, what's up?" He stood up and started walking us away from the table.

"This is probably really silly, but are we dating?" 

"Hmm, would it be rushed if we were?"

"I don't think so."

"Okay then."

All the sudden Christian dropped to one knee and asked, "Coralynn Andrews, would you like to be my girlfriend." He said it really loudly and everyone was looking, which made me blush.

"Yes." The whole hallway was a mix of smiles, clapping, glares, and jealousy. Chris stood up, picked me up, and spun me around.

"Yay," He murmured stepping back. I looked around to see Leo looking at us with a hurt expression. He looked close to tears. I caught his gaze and he immediately walked away.

It seems like nothing can be okay right now.

AN: Yay. Derek is my spirit animal tbh

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