Chapter 20.

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AN: So, I'm slowly getting over the writer's block I had, and I think this chapter is okay? Anyway, enjoy!

(Or don't, I'm not telling you how to live your life.)

About Two Months Later

It was December 5th. Julia, Derek, and I were just beginning to get used to not having Leo around. It still felt wrong, it felt like we were betraying him in someway.

Adam had visited a few times, with and without Brandon.

All the sudden my phone rang, I looked at who was the caller and it was Chris. I hurriedly picked up the phone and said, "Hey Chris what's up?"

"Can you meet me at my house, like right now?" He sounded tense, I wonder what's wrong?

I hesitated, "Uhmm...sure, I'll be there in ten minutes."



I pulled up to Chris' snow-blanketed house. He was standing on his porch in a winter coat and jeans. He had mittens and a school-colored hat on as well. Hopping out of my car, I slipped my beanie on my head to protect my ears from the cold December air.

Once I had gotten to where Chris was standing he said, "Hey, look, I don't know how to say this."

"Are you breaking up with me?" I asked with sadness. What if he was breaking up with me? I never got to say I loved him...

Chris' face gave it all away. "I'm sorry Cora, I...I didn't want it to end this way."

"What way?!"

"There's another girl."



"What? Christian, I love you! I never told you, I never said it back, but I do. Julia's amazing, probably a better match, but I love you in a stay up all night to talk to you, shout it from the rooftops, kind of way. So, love me Chris."

Christian's voice was quiet and soft, "I can't."

"So this is it then? You're leaving me for my bestfriend?" I asked, hoping and wishing this was all one sick joke. I didn't wait for an answer, I ran to my car, started it, and drove home. As soon as I got there, I got on Toby's laptop and booked a flight to Chicago. Maybe this was a mistake, but I have to do this. I left a note for Mom and Toby and left. I had a small backpack with a change of clothes, some snacks, my phone charger, and my toiletries. The drive to the airport was about fifteen minutes, and once I arrived I paid for parking, parked, and walked into the big airport.


The seatbelt sign went on and the captain said on the speaker, "Flight attendants, prepare for landing."

I looked out the window and saw Chicago, the Sears Tower was towering over the rest of the skyscrapers. In the distance I could see Lake Michigan. The plane started its decent, and after ten minutes we were landed at the Chicago O'Hare Airport.


He looked just as I remembered him, his red hair in a messy but cute mop on top of his head. Freckles were splattered on his nose and cheeks, his emerald eyes glistened in the moonlight. Owen Fletcher.

Owen gasped, "C...Cora?"

Before he could say anything else I hugged him so hard, I was pretty sure I could crush him. He hesitated at first, but quickly hugged me back. "It is you! Oh my God, I don't know what to think!" He exclaimed.

Stepping back I said, "This is so late, but I'm sorry for not listening to you. I know it was such a long time ago, and I understand if you can't forgive me, but I am sorry."

"You aren't the one who should be apologizing!"

Just then I shivered, it was really cold. "Come inside, I'm the only one home. Mom's on a business trip."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," Owen pulled me into his small house and into the kitchen. "Do you want some hot chocolate?"

"No thanks," I said walking over to where he was sitting on the island. I wedged myself in between his legs and hugged him, standing on my tip toes.

We stayed up all night, talking about the past four months. Neither of us cared how we had to go to school the next day. It was four in the morning when we both fell asleep on the couch.


My eyes fluttered open and I saw that I was now alone on Owen's couch. Just then he walked into the room and said, "You're awake."

I sat up and stretched before saying, "Yeah. What time is it?"

"Almost eleven."

Getting up I said, "My flight's at three."

"Oh, you're leaving?" Owen met me in the middle of the living room.

"I have to, my Mom and Toby are probably worried sick."

"I don't want you to leave."

I frowned. "I don't want to leave either."

"I'm going to miss you."

"I'm coming back."

"You can stay here anytime, you know that right?"

"Thank you."

"It's nothing." The red-haired boy smiled down at me, had he gotten taller? Probably.


"What's up Cora?"

"I'm going to miss you too." This time it was my turn to smile.


"Are you sure you have to leave?"

I laughed, "Yes, Owen."

"I...I love you." I looked up to the boy, looking for the smirk to know he was joking, but I didn't see it, I saw honesty in his eyes. He did love me. I went up on my tip toes and kissed him softly on the lips before walking into the crowded airport.

Suddenly I was being twirled around and before I could say anything else, Owen kissed me. His soft lips fit with mine perfectly, his hands were set firmly on my cheeks. Mine were in his baby-soft hair, tangling themselves in it. When he finally pulled away, Owen had a few tears dripping down his freckled-face. "Goodbye Cora," He said.

"Bye, Owen."

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