Chapter 13.

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"I don't know what to do anymore, Toby! Adam hasn't answered my calls in weeks, I'm getting worried. He had promised that he would come home every weekend."

"Co, calm down. I'm sure he's fine, he's probably just busy. I mean, transferring colleges can be stressful."

Co was my nickname that only Toby was allowed to call me. When he was little he couldn't say 'Cora' so he shortened it to 'Co' and every since then that's what he called me.

I sighed, "Yeah, but he should've at least returned my calls by now."

"When was the last time you called him?"

"I don't know Toby, maybe last week?"

"You should call him now," Tony sat down on my lap, earning a groan from myself.

"My phone is on the counter. Therefore you would need to stand up in order for me to get the phone."

"Ugh, fine." Toby hopped off me and plopped down in the armchair.

Walking over to grab my phone I said, "So when is Mom getting home? I need to talk to her about....never mind." Not to mention I was in crutches now from getting hit. Luckily they let me go home today, but no school for me until tomorrow.

"She'll be home around six."

It was Tuesday now, Leo had died yesterday. I was keeping a strong face in from of my family, but when I was alone I cried. I cried for hours and hours, wishing for the pain to go away.

Snapping out of my daze, I grabbed my phone and dialed Adam's number.

"Hello?" Adam's voice had changed ever so slightly since I talked to him last.

"Adam! I can't believe you answered. Why haven't you been visiting?"

"Oh, baby girl," His voice softened. "I...I met someone."

"Who? A girl? A boy? You're bi right? Oh yeah you are because you dated that one guy in high school... I'm rambling, sorry. Continue."

Adam chuckled before he said, "Yes, I'm bi. The person I met is a boy. He's....I can't put into words how amazing he is. He's my other half, Cora."

"He better be, because you missed so many things."

"Like what? Tell me everything. I have an hour before my next class, so we have some time."

I told him how I made friends, at which he said, "That's great!" Next I told him how Derek had kissed Leo, then how Leo had kissed Derek and all that good stuff. Then I talked about how Leo killed himself, crying a little bit.

"Baby girl, I'm so sorry. I wish I was there. I'll come visit as soon as I can!" He said.

Finally I said, "On the plus side, I have a boyfriend. And homecoming is this week."

"What's he like? Is he good to you? Any fights?"

"He's great. His name is Christian. He's really nice and had stuck with me through this whole mess."

"That's awesome. Wait, is homecoming on Friday?"

"Yeah, why?"

"No reason."

"Okay then....oh yeah, I forgot one tiny thing."

"What is it?"

"I kinda sorta got hit by a car."

"What? How? When? Why?-"

"Slow down. I got hit yesterday, Christian was picking me up from where Leo had died and had brought me to his house. We were in the drive way and we got in a small fight, which resulted in me running onto the road-"

"Which is when you got hit."


"Are you okay?"

"Just a broken ankle and a cut on my arm. Some minor bruising but that's it."

"So is Christian still great?"

"Yeah, he apologized. Everything's fine between us now."

"I'm happy for you."

"So what's this guy like?" I asked.

"His name is Brandon. He's perfect. He loves to surf and is teaching me how currently, and it's been really fun. We wake up early before our classes and go surfing, hang out, and walk along the beach. We're both really busy during the week, so we can only fully be with each other on the weekends. It doesn't help we are in different parts of campus, but anyway that's why I haven't been visiting. The reason I haven't been calling is because I lost my phone at the beach and had to get a new one, I just got it back yesterday."

"Oh that explains everything. But is Brandon hot?"

Adam guffawed. "Yeah, jeez Cora when did you become so straightforward?"

"How else am I supposed to ask?"

"Good point. But yes, he's hot."

"That's it? No description?"


I rolled my eyes and said, "Bitch."

"That's rude."

"I'm a rude person."


"I'm also a smartass." Oh, Adam.

"Okay, well I should get going, I'm meeting Brandon before class. Love you!"

"Have fun with your bae! Love you too big brother!"

'Beeeeeeeeep,' Signaled the end of the call.

I should probably finish my homework from today. Yeah, let's do that. But where is my homework? ........ Aw shit. It's all the way upstairs.



"Can you go grab my homework from my room?"


I heard Toby bound up the stairs, his steps getting fainter with each step. I heard him run down the hallway and into my room. A few minutes later I heard footsteps getting louder with each step, and soon Toby was next to me with my homework.

"Thank you," I said taking the papers.

Before I could walk away Toby grabbed my wrist and whispered in my ear, "Why the hell is there a razor on your desk?"

Fuck. That was Derek's, I had taken it from him because he didn't want the temptation. I whispered back, "It's not mine."

"The who's is it?"

"Derek's. I've been keeping it because he didn't want temptation."

"So you're telling me Derek used to cut?"

"Yes, now can I go?"


AN: I'm in NY (New York) right now and have been really busy so that's why I haven't updated this. Okay love you all byeeeeeeeeeee

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