Chapter 6.

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AN: This chapter is speciallllllll. Also it's only about 700 words, sorry :(


Leo showing up in the middle of the day while I was mowing the lawn was the last thing I thought that would happen on this boring Saturday. Immediately I turned off the mower and hopped off. 

"Derek, we should talk," Leo said.

"I thought you hated me," I spat.

"You're my best friend! I would never hate you!" Leo stepped closer. I stepped back. "Please Derek, just listen."

"Why? So I can do something stupid again and for you to run away?"

"Fine, whatever. Say what you have to say so I can get back to mowing." I fixed my gaze on my shoelaces.

"Look at me." Leo grabbed my chin and forced me to look in his stormy blue eyes. As soon as he let go of my chin I looked away. "I meant it, Derek." Leo cupped my cheek.

"Stop! Stop!" I stepped back in shock. "Are you trying to confuse me?"

"Sorry. Just please look at me."

The sadness in Leo's eyes made me listen to him. "Okay." Relief flooded through his face.

"I wanted to tell you I'm sorry for running away. I didn't know what to do, you just surprised me. I never meant for you to feel like I hate you because I don't. 

"I'm sorry for kissing you. I never meant to confuse you. I know that you like Cora, and I get it. She's perfect. She's also a girl." All of the sudden Leo's lips were on mine. His soft, full, lips I've come to know so well. The way they curved up a tiny bit when he was pretending to be mad, or how his full out grin was the best thing on earth. Those lips were kissing me. As in Derek, the emo wannabe, geek 1000, hides-behind-his-beanie me. Somehow I kissed him back almost immediately. The kiss was needy, fast and fierce. My hands were running through his soft, blonde hair.

"Sorry," Leo mumbled, pulling away.

"No, I'm sorry for ever thinking I stood a chance." I started to walk away but Leo's strong hand pulled me back by my wrist.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Just leave! Go away!"


"No. Leave."


Leo walked slowly to his car, probably hoping to be called back. But as soon as he was driving away I ran into my house.  The door slammed loudly behind me, drawing attention to me.

"Honey, are you okay?" My mom walked into the entryway.

I instantly broke down into tears, "N..No mom."

She wrapped me in a tight hug and asked, "What happened?"

I told her the whole story of me kissing Leo, Leo coming here, him kissing me. I just got wrapped in an even tighter hug from my sister, who had overheard our conversation. We stood there for awhile, me crying, my sister hugging me, my mom watching. When I finally pulled away from the hug my tears had subsided.


Later that day Cora had come to check on me, she had heard what had happened. I didn't want to get pitied from the girl who stole all of Leo's attention, so I waved her off and told her I was okay. All I wanted was to be alone. Alone and lonely, wishing someone would save me from this hell. Every time someone tried, I pushed them away, one of my many flaws. I'd like to say my self-hate was getting better as the days went on, but then I would be lying. And that would be another thing to add to the list of all my flaws. I felt trapped, which was ironic because I live in the most free country in the world..

Ring! Ring! Ring! Ri-"Hello?" I asked answering my phone.

"Derek, I heard what happened are you okay?" Julia asked.

"I'm okay. I think."

"You think?"

"I don't know Julia! I'm used to it."

"But you shouldn't have to be used to it! You shouldn't have to know what that feels like."

"But I do."

"But you do."  


I found myself playing the piano to release stress. I poured my emotions into every chord and note. By the end of the song my hands were trembling and tears were falling down my face. My mom, my sister, and my brother had gathered around the piano and were clapping.

"That was amazing," My brother said. I got up shakily and ran down the hallway to my room. Halfway there I tripped, but got up quickly. Once I was safely locked in my room I sobbed until I didn't have the energy to anymore. I fell asleep with my cheeks stained with tears. 

AN: Oopsies! Somehow I manage to make more drama. Lol sorry not sorry!

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