Chapter 58 - Talking and killing

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'' Alice- '' Kol slowly started but I already interrupted him.  

'' Yeah, I already said a 100 times that I'm sorry for getting blood on your shirt, '' I hissed, annoyed and rolled my eyes. '' And I reassured you a 100 other times that you still look as hot as usually. '' 

It was a little bit later in the evening and we were slowly walking through the dark forest. The moon was shining on the sky and the wind was blowing between the trees. We were going in the direction of the cave in which there was the history of the Originals written on the walls. Klaus told me that he's going to kill his 12 hybrids close to it so that was the reason we were going there. I was planning to come alone but Kol decided to walk me to there. 

'' It's not that, '' he replied, narrowing his eyes in my direction.  

'' Then what is it? '' I asked, raising my eyebrows.  

'' About what happened at the party, when that... Well, whatever her name was, I already forgot, pushed you and you and I- ''  

And I already interrupted him again.  

'' I thought that I said that we were never going to talk about this again, '' I hissed, lowering my head. I couldn't help it but to blush a little. The whole thing that happened... It was just a little confusing. It wasn't that I liked Kol now or something like that but it was still... The truth was that the kiss wasn't as bad as it was supposed to be. But I decided not to worry about that. I mean, it was a perfectly natural thing to like kissing Kol. I mean, why wouldn't it be? He was amazingly beautiful and everything so-  

I snapped out of my thoughts when Kol elbowed me. I raised my head again and looked in his direction. '' Hm, you were saying? I'm sorry, I was thinking about... puppies. ''  

He frowned in confusion. '' Puppies? '' he slowly repeated.  

I quickly began nodding, mentally cursing myself. Stupid Alice. '' Yeah! I'm going to buy a puppy! ''  

A smirk appeared on Kol's face. '' Really? A dog? And how are you going to name it? '' 

'' Sundown! '' I replied before thinking to much.  

Great. Now I have to buy a puppy and name it Sundown.  

I jumped over a collapsed tree and turned back at Kol, smiling innocently. He was staring at me like he thought that I've gotten even more crazier then usual. That probably wasn't far from the truth. I mean, puppies? That was the best thing I could come up with? And I considered myself being an amazing liar.

Stupid Alice.  

'' Look, about the... you know, '' I started again, lowering my head and walking between the trees. It wasn't like myself to get so nervous but it was just so weird to talk to Kol about this. He and I never had this kind of relationship. We just had fun together, killing, partying and similar stuff and that was pretty much it. '' It... It didn't mean anything. ''  

'' Yes, I know, sweetheart. I just wanted to tell you that it really wasn't that bad. '' A smirk appeared on his face. '' Do you and my brother think about splitting up soon? ''  

I shot an angry glare in his direction. '' Don't start. I just don't want... I just don't want things to get all awkward between us. '' Knowing Kol he would make this even more awkward on purpose. But to my surprise he just nodded, without saying anything. 

We stopped next to a tree and I looked in one direction. There were screams coming from there and the strong smell of blood.  

'' What's my brother doing again? '' Kol asked, looking in the same direction as me.  

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