Chapter 22 - The death and the return of someone

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We found Bonnie in the cave of the Originals. There were a lot of candles, lighted up next to the torches and Bonnie was sitting on the ground, in front of Klaus's coffin, standing up in front of her. Rebekah dropped Tyler's body on the ground.  

Bonnie opened her eyes and sighed. '' Haven't I told you to try not hurting him? He's important for Caroline. ''  

Caroline surely hated me and Rebekah now. '' He isn't hurt. Rebekah just snapped his neck. He'll be fine, '' I said.  

'' Okay. I need him for the ritual. ''  

'' What are you going to do? ''  

'' I already know the spell. But I need the help of another witch with something else. I think I'm going to call granny's ghost, '' Bonnie explained.  

'' Okay, I don't really wanna know what will happen... '' I said. I was looking around. '' Hey, where's Lisa? '' I suddenly asked.  

Bonnie shrugged and closed her eyes again. '' I don't know. She helped me to bring the coffin here but then she went out again to check if there's anyone close. ''  

'' And she isn't back? ''  

'' I'm afraid that something may happened to her, '' Bonnie replied.  

I looked to Rebekah. '' We need... '' She nodded. '' Bonnie, we have to go check if she's okay. ''  

'' Fine, go, '' Bonnie answered and smiled. '' I'm powerful enough to defend myself anyway. ''  

We walked out of the cave again. Rebekah said: '' I'll check the right side. ''  

'' Fine, I'll go to the left. ''  

I was walking through the dark forest. The moon was shining on the sky on top of me. Everything seemed quiet and perfectly fine. The wind was slowly blowing through the leaves of the tall trees. The wind... The wind brought the smell of blood.  

I instantly raised my head and speed in the direction the smell came from.  

When I noticed the staked corpse on the ground I started screaming.  

It was Lisa. Lisa was gone.  

'' Oh my God! '' I yelled and buried my face in to my hands, collapsing on my knees, crying. '' Why does everyone that I love keep dying? '' I murmured in pain and started sobbing.  

Rebekah probably heard me because she suddenly appeared next to me. '' What's wrong, Alice... '' Then she noticed the corpse. '' Lisa... '' she whispered with pain.  

I nodded and quickly wiped my tears, slowly getting up. '' Alaric killed my best friend. The only person that never left me, no matter what I said or done. I can't believe that she's gone! '' I was staring in to Rebekah's eyes.  

She squatted next to Lisa's corpse, raised her shaky hand and closed her dead grey eyes that were staring at us. Then she turned to me. Suddenly she was angry. '' Alice, we gotta stop Alaric. ''  

'' And how are we going to... '' I moaned and then got the idea. '' Elena... '' I whispered. 

Rebekah nodded. Her blue eyes and face suddenly weren't pretty anymore. There was nothing else but pain, anger and rage. '' I don't care. I wished to kill Elena until the day I met her. Now I see that I hesitated for too long. ''


A car was driving through the dark road, under the night sky, covered with stars and a shining moon. But there wasn't just any person that car. There were Matt and Elena inside. I guessed right that my brothers probably sent them out of town to make sure that they'll be safe from me and Rebekah.  

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