Chapter 31 - Back from the dead

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'' YOU ARE ALIVE! ''  

That was the only warning that I got, before Rebekah jumped in to my hug and started crying. I slowly smiled and hugged her back, patting her. '' Don't worry, Rebekah. Everything is okay... ''  

'' Nothing is okay! You almost died! '' she yelled back and narrowed her eyes. '' And all because of him. ''  

I looked through the living room of the Mikaelson mansion, smiling to Elijah and Kol that looked pretty happy because I came back. Elijah waved to me, Kol winked and showed me his best naughty smile.  

Kol said: '' Dear Rebekah got in to a little fight with Niklaus. ''  

Klaus currently left the house so we could easily talk about him without him coming and snapping our necks, or something like that.  

'' Yeah, I've heard, '' I said. '' But there was just enough blood... '' I started frowning again. Yes, I still wasn't over the thought of becoming a hybrid. It was just so... I really wasn't made for turning in to a wolf. Even if Klaus said the opposite. The truth was that I became terrified of the full moon. Even if I still had some time to the next. Klaus told me that it'll only hurt the first time. That after that I'll easily change. I really hoped that he was right. 

'' I hope that the house won't start to smell like wet dog soon, '' Kol replied, smirking. 

I rolled my eyes. '' And I certainly didn't miss you while I was dying. The guards at the gates of hell were actually much nicer. ''  

He grinned.  

'' I still can't believe that it worked, '' Rebekah said. '' That you actually became a hybrid. Just as Nik. ''  

'' Please, can we talk about something else? '' I asked. '' Can we go to the grill? Wait, no... I'm not really in the mood of seeing my brothers, Elena or someone else. '' I sighed.  

Rebekah grabbed my hand. '' Oh, I heard that they are having some kind of memorial, or something like that. We can go. And you'll see, even the snow melted a little. ''  

'' Fine, '' I replied.


It was weird, walking in to the grill again. But a smile appeared on my face, as soon as I saw Pete, drinking at the bar and looking depressed. '' Why do most of the supernatural creatures of this town spend most of the day at the bar? '' I asked, smiling at Rebekah.  

I noticed how Pete slowly raised his head at the sound of my voice.  

Rebekah giggled. '' Ah, I guess that is kind of our thing. ''  

Pete slowly turned and looked at us. His eyes widened when he noticed me, standing next to Rebekah and walking to him. We stopped and I smiled. '' What's wrong, Pete? You already thought that I was dead? ''  

'' You certainly looked like you were, '' he slowly replied, narrowing his eyes. '' And considering that Rebekah sees you too is it either that you are somehow alive or we both got crazy and started seeing the same hallucinations. '' 

I grinned. '' Pete. I'm real. I'm right here. ''  

He slowly touched my head, like I was really a ghost or something. I rolled my eyes. Then he suddenly hugged me, lifting me in the air. '' God, you are back! I can't believe it! ''  

'' Yeah. It's really me. At least half of me. You heard? ''  

'' Yes, '' he replied. He waved to the barman to bring us all a round of alcohol. Then he turned to me and grinned. '' You've been making dog jokes about me since we've met! You'll see what it is like now! ''  

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