Chapter 26 - Cells

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'' Do you finally understand, Stefan? '' I asked, annoyed. It was the fifth time, THE FIFTH TIME I was explaining him the way to reach the catacombs under the town's court and he still looked confused. I was completely sure that they closed Elena and Caroline there.  

'' How do you know about the cells anyway? '' Stefan asked.  

I rolled my eyes. '' Because they closed me there. Right after I became a vampire. They starved me. I almost got crazy, but I managed to escape. There were about thirty people that I killed on the way. ''  

'' Oh my God, Alice. Another thirty people? ''  

'' How do I live with myself? '' I mockingly replied, turning to Rebekah that was standing next to us.  

'' Can we please go? I am so looking forward to having another drink with Matt, '' she said. '' There isn't many normal moments that I can enjoy in. ''  

'' I still can't believe that you actually fell in love with a human, '' I replied. '' You are worst then Stefan. '' Stefan just rolled his eyes. Rebekah and I were carelessly chatting, walking up the huge stairs that started after a big fountain and were leading to the entrance in the court. 

Stefan was in front of us. Right before we reached the entrance he turned to us again and narrowed his eyes. '' Can you stay focused on what we are doing, please? ''  

I rolled my eyes and grinned. '' Come on, Steffie. I can brake in to the court and save to vampires in my sleep. ''  

Stefan turned to the entrance again. Someone just walked out. He speed to the woman and quickly snapped her neck, killing her. Stefan agreed that he will kill as many persons as it will be necessary this time. I never had problems like that.  

I quickly explained the way to the cells to Stefan and Rebekah.  

We speed inside, stopping at the end of a corridor. I appeared in front of one guard, Rebekah the other. Those were the only two before the stairs that were leading to a lower floor with the cells. If I was correct, there were probably at least other ten there.  

Black lines appeared around my eyes as I bit the neck of the first guard. He was shaking and trying to save himself from me for the first couple of seconds, then his dead body hanged in my arms. I dropped it on the ground, slowly lifting my face again. Stefan looked shocked when he noticed my expression.  

I thought that I wasn't different then usual. My green eyes were vicious and surrounded by black lines, I had blood smeared around my mouth and dripping down my chin.  

Those were the differences between Stefan and everyone in the Original family. They admired stuff like that. Stefan was just playing nice and human, even if that was completely different from us.  

Suddenly a red alarm went on over our heads. Rebekah looked to the end of the corridor, noticing a figure, running away. She turned to us. '' I'll take care of him and catch up with you two. You gotta go and be quick. This place will be full of people that'll try to stop you soon. ''  

We nodded. '' Take care, '' I said, before speeding after Stefan, down the stairs that leaded a floor lower from here.  

There were four corridors with twenty silver cages in each. The first two corridors didn't had much light, just the red alarm light that was flashing.  

'' Which way? ''  

'' I'll take the right two corridors, '' I replied, already speeding to four guards that ran in my direction. Suddenly I hissed and staggered as I felt pain in my chest. I tried to catch myself by leaning on a cage next to me, but when I touched it, it burned my skin. I hissed again, quickly dodged another wooden bullet, flying in my direction. There was no time to pull the one in my chest out so I just took a deep breath and continued. I managed to kill all the four guards in a couple of seconds. But they were good. They hit me with wooden bullets six times and shoved a stake through my chest once, missing for at least five centimetres. I just pulled it out, looking at the blood that was dripping from it. My blood.  

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