Chapter 17 - Entering Elena's body

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I actually had a plan this time. And I was really hoping that it will work. I sent a text to Rebekah, informing her about what's going on. The bad news was that Kol and Elijah weren't in town right now so we couldn't count on their help.  

WHAT? The guy that my mother turned in to a vampire is planning to kill my brother?

I quickly replied to Rebekah.  

I found Bonnie at the Salvatore Boarding house. She was flipping through the pages of different books. I just appeared next to her, pretty upset. I was feeling fine enough to start scream at people.


'' I already know what's going on, you don't have to shout it in my face, '' Bonnie calmly replied. '' And I'm telling you that you don't have to worry. We have a plan. ''  

'' What kind of plan? '' I started, walking up and down next to the sofa she was sitting on. My brothers and Elena have a plan. This can't be good.  

'' We'll kill Alaric. I'll use the same spell as my mother did when we had problems with Mikael, '' Bonnie replied and stopped at one page.  

'' Klaus's crazy father? ''  

'' Yes. It'll make his blood turn in to stone. He won't be actually dead but powerless. ''  

I suddenly stopped and turned to Bonnie. '' Does your great plan involve Elena being compelled by Alaric? ''  

'' What?! '' Bonnie asked, turning to me with shock. '' This isn't good. Elena... Esther bound Alaric's life to hers. Elena is supposed to pretend to kill herself. ''  

Okay, why no one ever tells me the important stuff? Am I to nice to this people?  

'' Can you make me possess Elena's body? '' I suddenly asked. '' I could pretend to kill myself very well. ''  

Bonnie thought for a second, then she nodded. '' Fine. I'll make you go to Elena's body. Why do you even care so much anyway? ''  

'' I... I don't know, '' I replied. '' Now do it. Quickly. ''  

I stood up and she placed herself in front of me, putting on hand on my head. '' The spell that allows you to possess a body of someone completely is complicated. I can make you switch places with Elena. Your mind will go in her body and her in yours... And it'll only last for fifteen minutes. ''  

'' What? Elena in my body?! '' My eyes widened. '' So creepy, weird... '' I shook. '' But you have to do it. '' I nodded. '' Fifteen minutes will be enough. Just make sure that she won't hurt my body while I'm gone. And prepare everything that you need or whatever for the spell to make Alaric's blood turn in to stone. ''  

Bonnie sighed and stared in to my eyes again. She started murmur some words in a language that I didn't understand. The feeling that came was strange. It was like my mind raised from my head and continued, moving far away from me... Then it all happened very fast, like in a quick tape.

Suddenly my mind hit Elena's head and I entered in her body. I staggered for a few steps, blinked and shook my head.  

I looked around. 

I was right in the middle of a vampire smackdown. Stefan was staked to the wall but I noticed that he was still alive. He was staring at me. '' Elena! Elena! Escape! ''  

I smirked and waved to him. 

Damon and Klaus were fighting against Alaric that looked pretty mad. I was so happy to see that Klaus was okay. Bloodied, but okay. I had no idea that I was so afraid of loosing him until now.  

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