Chapter 59 - Baseball bat buddies

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'' This is going to be so fun! '' I said excitedly and clapped. '' I can't wait! ''  

Kol that was still speeding down the road just smirked. '' You don't care about hurting your brothers, don't you? ''  

'' Hm? '' I asked and looked at him. I thought for a second and then shrugged. '' I'm not sure. Sometimes I care, sometimes I don't. Depends. I mean, right now I really don't give a shit if Damon dies tonight. He would deserve it. ''  

'' For getting Lucy drunk, telling her that he loves her, having sex with her, leaving and then telling a hunter where she is? '' Kol slightly raised his eyebrows.  

I nodded. '' That's right. No matter how many times he says it he's never going to change, '' I said, suddenly getting serious. Kol stopped the car on the driveway of the Salvatore Boarding house. I stepped out and took a few steps, swinging my pink and black baseball bat with rhinestones. '' He was born an idiot and he'll die like that, '' I added.  

Then I swung the bat through the air and smashed a sculpture that was next to the door. Watching it collapse on the ground made me laugh again and a few seconds later I was already running around like a four years old and destroying everything in my way. I grinned and looked at Kol that was just watching me, probably waiting to use his bat for Damon and not plants and similar stuff.  

'' I was right! '' I said with a grin. '' This is fun! ''  

'' Why do your brothers have this many flowers? '' Kol slowly asked, staring at the 10 flower pots that I smashed in to pieces.  

I smirked and shrugged. '' Don't know. Maybe Steffie likes gardening. ''  

Then I suddenly noticed Damon, standing at the door with his arms crossed. '' Why are you two here? Did you really have to do that? '' Then he noticed something else and whined like a child: '' And my car too?! ''  

The smirk disappeared from my face. I looked at Kol. He raised his eyebrows and I nodded. The next second Kol already speed in Damon's direction, grabbing his neck and throwing him through the living room. Damon groaned with surprise when he hit the wall and I began marching closer.  

'' What's wrong? '' Stefan asked, walking down the stairs from the second floor.  

'' Stay out of this one, mate, '' Kol just said.  

I grabbed Damon's neck and slowly raised him in the air, narrowing my eyes at his surprised and angry face. '' I'm ashamed for you to be my brother, Dam-Dam. ''  

'' What the fuck is wrong with you now?! '' he hissed.  

My eyes slowly began turning yellow because of anger. The wolf inside me was threatening to come out. '' Why am I here? '' I slowly asked. '' Tell me brother... '' I began and leaned closer to his face, making my fangs appear. '' Do you remember someone named Lucy? ''  

At first there was confusion in his eyes, then he suddenly frowned. '' Lucy. Why would you care about that bitch. ''  

I hissed at his last word, threw him in the air like a ball and then swung my bat in his direction, making him fly to the other side of the room. He hit a wardrobe, making it collapse on him.  

Stefan narrowed his eyes. '' What's wrong? Who's Lucy? Alice, what the hell is wrong with you?! Why are you acting like a monster again?! ''  

I noticed how he moved in Damon's direction and looked at Kol. '' Kolly-wolly. You can have fun with my other brother. ''  

And then the Baseball bat buddies went in action.  

A few minutes later Kol and I were standing in the middle of a trashed living room. Blood was covering the walls and dripping from our baseball bats. I was emotionlessly watching Damon, laying on the ground in front of me. He was covered with bruises and blood and I also stabbed him a few times with a metal thingy that I found at the fireplace. Stefan was rolling around next to him, also looking pretty bad.  

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