Chapter 23 - Annoying consequences

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Kol wasn't too happy about Klaus coming back. I always thought that they didn't have a pretty good relationship. Elijah that always loved his family, no matter what looked okay. I was jumping up and down of joy because they came back in Mystic Falls. I missed them.  

It was the evening of the night after Klaus came back. My birthday was tomorrow and Rebekah was planning a party at the grill. Even if I was still depressed because of Lisa's death and not really in the mood of celebrating. But she insisted and I wanted to make her happy.  

I was planning to go to the Salvatore Boarding house. I really wasn't in the mood of seeing my brothers but they left an interesting message on my phone. Damon said that he'll kill me, Stefan that I have to come quickly and see something.  

I grabbed my coat, walking through the living room. It was so weird seeing Tyler hanging out around the house. It always took me a couple of seconds to remember that it was Klaus in his body. My brothers, Elena and Caroline had no idea what happened. Bonnie agreed to not tell anybody. I guessed that she wanted to live that to me and add that I kidnapped her with Rebekah and we forced her to do that spell or something like that.  

Tyler/Klaus was sitting on the sofa. He raised his head. '' Alice. Are you going out, love? ''  

'' Yeah, '' I replied.  

'' I kind a wanted to talk to you, love. We still have some unfinished business from before I died, '' he added, arrogantly smirking at me.  

I narrowed my eyes, confused. '' Unfinished business? About what? ''  

'' You know what I mean. ''  

'' Oh, '' I suddenly got it. I slowly looked to him, slowly saying: '' We could leave that for later. I mean... In Tyler's body... It's just weird. ''  

He looked disappointed. '' As you wish, love. '' He shrugged.  

I speed away, stopping just in front of the door of the Salvatore Boarding house. I already wanted to kick it down, or something like that but I was to busy laughing at the hole in the wall that remained after Lisa's last visit.  

Bonnie appeared at the door. '' Good. You are finally here. '' She looked serious. '' There's something you need to see. ''  

I narrowed my eyes, suspicious. '' What's wrong? ''  

She just turned around and walked inside again. I followed her.  

The first thing that I noticed was Elena, sitting on the sofa. Stefan was next to her, together with Caroline. Damon was leaning on the wall, with his arm crossed.  

I was shocked. I sighed, depressed, staring at Elena. '' You are still alive? Are you kidding me? '' I clenched my fists and frowned. '' No fair. I thought I killed you. ''  

Damon was staring at me, furious. It was different from the hopeless expression on Stefan's face. '' You killed her, '' Damon murmured.  

'' What? '' I turned to him.  

Elena was looking in to my eyes, smiling. '' Guess who's back from the dead? ''  

I listened for a second. My worst nightmares came true. No heartbeat. '' I turned you in to a vampire?! '' I yelled. '' That's even worse then you being dead! ''  

Stefan spoke up: '' I told you that we had to take Elena to the hospital, not long ago. The doctor, Meredith, gave her vampire blood. She was suffering from a bleeding in the brain. ''  

'' And the blood saved her, '' I finished and nodded. '' And when I thought I killed you, I actually turned you in to a vampire. '' I rolled my eyes, bored.  

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