Chapter 56 - Arguments and Alice gone a little crazy

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- 3rd person POV

Kol stopped in front of the door of the Mikaelson mansion for a second. An unconscious Alice, covered with blood was lying in his arms and he was still thinking about how he enjoyed smashing Charlotte's skull with his metal baseball bat. Then he stared at the door with anger. His stupid brother surely heard him but still didn't mind to come and open it? It was fine with him.  

With that he raised his leg and simply kicked the door down, walking inside the living room. His brother Klaus just raised his head from a document that was in his hand. When he saw Kol and an unconscious Alice in his hands his eyes widened. Then he stood up and walked a few steps closer to his brother, narrowing his eyes, furious.   

'' What did you do to her, brother? '' he slowly asked.  

Kol smirked. '' It wasn't me, mate. Another vampire hurt her but I took care of her before she could kill her, '' he explained, gently placing Alice on the sofa next to him.  

'' Alice was talking about her... And if I understood things right she was after Alice just because of her, '' Klaus continued, still mad at his brother. '' You better get out of here before I change my mind and dagger you again, Kol. I didn't do this yet just because Alice asked me to leave you alone. ''  

Kol was seriously staring at Alice. She looked so small and fragile. When she was laying there, covered with blood and her dark brown curls were falling around her head in a messy way she didn't look like the ruthless woman that killed entire villages of people with him. Not at all. And that was another thing that he liked about Alice. She was kind and also evil at the same time. Smart and stupid. It was hard to explain to someone that didn't spend as much time with her as Kol did.  

'' Stop staring at her, brother, '' Klaus hissed and crossed his arms.  

Kol smirked, turning back at him. '' Are you going to brake her heart again? '' he asked and raised an eyebrow.  

Klaus browned. '' Leave before I dagger you again. I already told you. '' 

'' Answer my question first... '' He tossed his head on one side, smirking viciously. '' ... brother, '' he mockingly finished his sentence.  

Klaus sighed, rolling his eyes. '' I'm really not in the mood but if you really want to know... No. I'm not going to brake her heart and I'm never going to let her go. I fucking love her. ''  

Kol stopped smirking and became serious. Then he nodded. '' She's my best friend and I didn't want to see her get hurt. That's all. '' He looked around the room. '' Take care of Alice. I have other things to worry about right now. '' He walked pass him and waved over his shoulder once more before going out of the house. '' See you later, mate. ''


I groaned and rolled on the other side of the bed. Man, my whole body still felt sore because of that bitch Charlotte. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes, noticing that I was laying on Klaus's bed now and that he was sitting on the sofa on the other side of the room. '' Hey, '' I murmured.  

'' You finally woke up, love, '' he replied and did one of my favourite smiles. He speed through the room and stopped next to my bed. '' I'm glad to see you're fine now. ''  

'' Did Kol bring me here? '' I asked.  

He nodded. '' Yes and I had a little conversation with my brother. ''  

I narrowed my eyes at him. '' You didn't snap his neck or try to dagger him, right? '' I carefully asked. '' Because I told you that you should try being nicer to him! I mean, why does no one ever listen to me?! It's like faith hasn't proven 39522348234323 times already that I'm almost always right! ''  

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